I have never claimed to be a prophet; I’m simply one who is called to write the words that God gives to me. That is my simple purpose in life. Words have come forth today and they need to be shared.
Most of the time these words I receive are simply about encouraging people who believe in God to keep going and moving forward; no matter their circumstances or position in life. I guess you could say I’m an encourager of Christians.
This last week; I’ve had to give that type of ministry to my own self.
Many of the things that have been going on in the world in and all around us all the time are horrible and beyond belief. Who would have ever imagined that America would come to such a lowly state in relation to how she conducts her business and communicates with her people and other nations?
The people that are true patriots suffer every day. Many are mourning our fate and missing our country. We are being given unconstitutional mandates around every corner. Our government no longer cares for our best interests or the best interests of our children. Global elitist who worship the enemy of God have come out of the woodwork in every organization, institution, and every high office and they have systematically begun to try to change who we are as a people and a nation.
Many now live in fear.
No one feels safe or secure.
Everywhere, people’s dreams are being destroyed before their very eyes.
But; I’m here to tell you today that we should NOT be living in fear. The same God who led the people out of Egypt will lead us out of this horrid time. We must look up and trust God through all of this.
In studying the scriptures today, I came to an old familiar passage and began to see it in light of where we are standing right now. I would highly advise everyone of faith to go back and re-read Exodus 23:22-30.
Please take it to be your battle cry into the future of America.
The passage follows and my comments are in parentheses.
Exodus 23:22-30:
If you listen carefully to what he says and do all that I say, I will be an enemy to your enemies and will oppose those who oppose you.
(Christians are being opposed right and left in the market places of America today. We are being given mandates and told to do things that we oppose in order to live our lives in a godly way. People we never dreamed would do this are now considering us to be the enemy; and our enemies surround us in all the things that we have previously considered normal, good and right. We must trust God to handle our enemies. He will fight for us if we turn to Him and pray.)
My angel will go ahead of you and bring you into the land of the Amorites, Hittites, Perizzites, Canaanites, Hivites and Jebusites, and I will wipe them out.
(Just like when Israel entered the land of Canaan; we are surrounded by evil and wicked people. God has given us angels to protect us. They are available to fight our battles for us. We must pray for God to send them out to conquer our enemies and fight our battles. If we ask God He will send them to go before us and they will prepare the way for us to achieve victories we never imagined possible. It is because God gives them the strength to protect us and care for us. We must be praying for this to happen.)
Do not bow down before their gods or worship them or follow their practices.
(Our world is full of people who are meeting to carry out pagan practices and rituals. This keeps our children and us in constant danger. We must open our eyes and be aware and alert to the true intentions of these cultish people who only desire evil and wickedness. Discernment is so important and we must constantly pray to be filled with God’s Holy Spirit so that we can have good discernment and recognize these things that are happening in our government, in our schools, in our work places, in the medical establishments and in our communities. Even our churches are not immune to this outburst of evil and wickedness that is spreading across the land. Pray for discernment. The enemy of God is making contracts with people who are ignorant; who do not know what they are walking into; and do not know how evil some of these movements are. Read the Holy Scriptures faithfully and discern for yourself if the youth leaders, pastors, teachers, governing officials are acting in a godly way or acting in a pagan way and take a stand. Be peaceful and non-violent but stand firm in what God shows you. Let your voice be heard; but do not break laws to let that happen. Speak in peace and without fear and go about your business with love and kindness )
You must demolish them and break their sacred stones to pieces. Worship the LORD your God, and his blessings will be on your food and water. I will take away sickness from among you, and none will miscarry or be barren in your land. I will give you a full life span.
(Many of us today see financial ruin coming and inflation climbing up and up and up and wonder will we have food in the future and will we have safe water to drink? We can’t trust our government even not to poison us anymore. The food chain has been disrupted needlessly, but here our ever faithful God tells us His blessings will be on our food and water! )
(There is no need to fear going hungry or not having clean water; God will be with us and He will provide for us; inflation or not! He has promised us. The same promises that were given to the children of Israel leaving Egypt are good for us! God hears our prayers when we worship and obey Him. God says he will go ahead of us and bring us into the place where our enemies have taken over. )
(We have all let a pandemic of fear stop us from functioning normally. It is not necessary. God is with us. In the scriptures he promises to take away the sickness from the land. The pandemic will pass! We must consider that children and young, healthy adults have great natural immunity! They do not need to be part of our government’s profitable science experiment. There is evidence everywhere that all of the numbers we are hearing about have been skewed and misreported. Not only does God say he will take away the sickness from us; but he promises that none in our land will be barren or have miscarriages. There have been many reporting that the shots being given and promoted cause reproduction problems and make people sterile. If we follow God’s direction and protect ourselves and take a stand for us and our children and demand NO MANDATES; this will not happen to us. God has brought forth the evidence as to how our decisions should be formed. We must prayerfully consider all that has come to light. God is speaking to us and telling us how to have a healthy nation again; He will help us if we listen and obey.
When we consider and follow God he has promised us a long, healthy life span. That should relieve your fears and give you confidence to fight for our future.)
(So many have fallen into being hopeless; but listen to the next verses:)
I will send my terror ahead of you and throw into confusion every nation you encounter. I will make all of your enemies turn their backs and run. I will send the hornets ahead of you and drive the Hivites, Canaanites and Hittites out of your way.
(That should encourage you and boost your confidence. We may be surrounded by enemies; but Our God is bigger and stronger than any of them. He will save us! )
(The next verse reminds us to be patient; we know that Gods timing is not always the same as ours; but his timing is always more accurate and better than ours.)
But I will not drive them out in a single year; because the land would become desolate and the wild animals too numerous for you. Little by little I will drive them out before you until you have increased enough to take possession of the land.
(This last verse again is reminding us to be patient and let God do what God knows best to do; but the promise is that God will drive the evil and wicked people from the land little by little as we have time to increase and grow. I think today this is a message for God’s true church. We must be witnessing and sharing the gospel to all that we see. The times are times in which people turn to God in desperation; we must be ready when they decide to turn to help others to come into the fold. God is increasing our numbers daily; and we will be stronger because of the growing numbers. One day all will again be in agreement under God in our land and things will turn again. Nothing about us today will be the reason for that; but only that we serve a Mighty God who will deliver us from evil. Pray every day. Recite the Lord’s prayer together; especially the part that says “Lead us not into temptation; but deliver us from evil.”
God is for us; so who can be against us?)
Keep this scripture handy and read it every time you get discouraged with the news that is being reported.
“Do not be afraid, little flock, for your Father has been pleased to give you the Kingdom.” (Luke 12:32)