Today we continue our study of Deuteronomy Chapter 28. We will begin our thoughts with verse 33:
(Deuteronomy 28: 33-37) A people that you do not know will eat what your land and labor produce, and you will have nothing but cruel oppression all your days. The sights you see will drive you mad. The Lord will afflict your knees and legs with painful boils that cannot be cured, spreading from the soles of your feet to the top of your head.
The Lord will drive you and the king you set over you to a nation unknown to you or your ancestors. There you will worship other gods, gods of wood and stone. You will become a thing of horror, a byword and an object of ridicule among all the peoples where the Lord will drive you.
This was what happened to Israel when they disobeyed God. Someone else invaded their land and oppressed their people.
Many people were driven insane with the horror and tragedy of the things that took place before their very eyes. It was all sudden and unexpected.
They experienced disease and afflictions, such as leprosy, which cannot be cured and spreads throughout the whole body.
These people who wanted to choose their own King saw that King dethroned and their nation divided and the people assimilated into other countries.
People were horrified and others seeing the devastations spoke of Israel as if they had never been a nation. The Holy City of Jerusalem lay in ruins. The streets were empty and silent; and the once great city became a byword to other nations.
History tells the old, old story of how Israel was divided and destroyed by the enemies of God.
Could this scripture passage also be applied to our future and hold effective in light of any disobedient nations of today?
In my personal opinion, I think this could be the case for America unless something changes quickly.
Think about what happened to our country in relation to Afghanistan.
Prophetic hearts and minds have pointed to the scriptures found in Leviticus 26:19 that give very similar warnings:
(Leviticus 26:19) I will break your proud spirit by making the skies as unyielding as iron and the earth as hard as bronze.
It seems that the great power from the proud spirit of the American military has been broken like the feet of clay attached to legs of iron and bronze in Nebuchadnezzar’s famous prophetic dream.
Only God could do this.
We brought it on ourselves. It is because of our nation’s sins.
The next verse goes on to say: Your strength shall be spent in vain. (Leviticus 26:20.)
That is exactly what happened in Afghanistan.
These same listed curses are now happening in our own times. America has obviously fallen under God’s curses which are clearly named in Deuteronomy Chapter 28.
Our strength has been broken.
We left a 20-year war where we spent millions of dollars on defense for freedom and then withdrew in disgrace and dishonor.
This certainly feels like the effects of a curse.
Prophets of old have spoken of how God would bless Britain and America with power and might, as long as they were obedient and honored God.
This was the case for many, many years and we were very, very blessed in all that we did as a nation. Other nations spoke of us with honor and dignity and looked to us for leadership.
That whole situation has changed in the last few years.
We have become a nation in disobedience.
This has placed us in the danger of the curses for disobedience. We simply keep repeating the same sins over and over again.
This pattern of curses for disobedience doesn’t have to be the case; we can swallow our pride and learn from our mistakes; but most of our current leaders are not willing to do that. Thus; we continue to decline.
The actions of our nation have become a thing of horror and we are becoming a byword among other nations.
Our government positions with high powers are now seated with people who are known to be the enemies of God. They are busy creating bills and making laws that will eventually cause our people to submit to false religions and false gods. The enemy lives and thrives among our leaders.
This should never happen.
It doesn’t have to happen.
Christians need to wake up and pay closer attention to the laws of the land.
We should never let the proposed bill HR5665 become a law; because it aims to silence anyone who speaks up against known national terrorists.
Written in clever language, this bill makes telling truth appear to be a “hate crime.”
The proposed legislation isn’t about freedom and/or religious equality for all people at all; it is more about another nation taking over and controlling our people against their will. If it is one day passed into law; we will no longer be able to tell the truth about certain terrorist groups and nations who oppress and force their own people to do ungodly things against their will.
They will be living among us enforcing THEIR laws on us, and we will be told to shut up and remain silent or be punished.
What most do not stop to consider is the fact that laws are already firmly in place to protect individual citizens of ALL races, creeds, religions and nationalities. These valuable laws have worked well for us for years. Yes; there have been mistakes and bad judgements made by certain humans in power at times; but the laws themselves have been correct and reasonable and effective.
There is no need to add new wrong-language to the laws that already exist and give us perfect freedom. Wrong actions against individuals who hate are already written into our government’s laws and these facts can already be easily enforced.
New language about such actions cloud the truth and mislead people who are not aware of the whole truth of certain situations causing them to act under false pretenses.
People only hear on the surface these days.
Ears seem to be trained not to listen and minds seem to be trained not to think.
The holy scriptures speak of a prophecy found in Daniel 2:33-35. This prophesy explains that a final empire will one day rise up; but God will break that empire in the end.
Perhaps this is the beginning of that evil nation rising up.
For the sake of the people living in our own nation, we should not be supporting any such action.
This same prophecy indicates that in the end ALL human governments will fall to pieces. There will then be no American government, nor the government of the enemies of America. God will crush those who oppose His way of life.
Those who have remained faithful (not the false-faith that a certain person in Washington speaks of when talking about her proposed bill; but a true and real faith in the true and real God) will enter into God’s government for eternity.
Yes; the Good News is that the Messiah will one day return to reign over all nations with the government of The Kingdom of Heaven. God will once again appoint us a King; and He will reign with perfection.
The disobedient will then inherit the curses and the obedient will then inherit the blessings of God.
May God help us all until that day finally comes.