As a Christian Counts the Omer he reaches day six – Yesod of Chesed.
Yesod means foundation and/or bonding. If love is to be eternal; there must be foundational bonding.
The bonding must take place by both parties.
True bonding is foundational to any lasting relationship. The bonding of Yesod requires connecting and becoming attached.
The outcome of such a foundational bonding experience will produce fruit.
Yesod bonding is healthy bonding. It is able to reproduce more of itself. One example is the physical love between a man and a woman. They are able to come together to produce children. The children become an extension of their marriage.
Another example would be spiritual in nature. When a Christian believes in Jesus as Messiah they are considered “born again.” This new birth comes forth from the seed of God’s Holy Spirit being placed inside the person’s spirit. This process of bonding where God is living within our spirits, connecting and attaching with us; brings new life. We say we have been “born again.”
This type of love that God passes on to us unites us with Him. We are able to share this love with others and produce spiritual children from such unity.
There are many other metaphors for this type of bonding called yesod. When we couple foundational bonding with God’s perfect love; we produce lovingkindness.
Lovingkindness is a deep necessity for all humans. Receiving this type of love and nourishment from others helps us to grow and mature.
This type of love only produces and flourishes when it is based upon God’s love. That is part of the foundation of yesod that makes it successful. Mankind is incapable of yesod-type love without the help of God.
All good flourishes from that solid foundation.
The bonding becomes easy and possible from that perspective.
Consider all the different ways you bond with others throughout a typical day.
There are deep levels of bonding, such as a husband and wife would share, and there is a more casual bonding such as friendship, and or respectful working relationships.
If any of these relationships feel wrong or unfruitful it helps to look at how or if you are bonding with the person. Consider whether that bond is founded upon God’s lovingkindness and wisdom.
One way of bonding is dancing. There is a type of spiritual dancing as well as physical dancing.
A good illustration of the spiritual bonding between God and His children is presented in the Paul Wilbur song called “Dance With Me.” The song presents the proper bonding of God to the members of His true church; the Bride of Christ.