Maybe another question might be; why waste time discussing the same subject over and over?
People never seem to agree on the answer to the first question. I’m sure the subject of Halloween gets tiring to many; though there is so much that can be said.
The devil’s favorite technique for winning arguments is to create confusion. Confusion certainly reigns over the subject of whether or not Christians should celebrate Halloween.
Whenever I think of Halloween discussions, one scripture immediately pops into my head. It can be found in Philippians 4:8; Finally; brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable – if anything is excellent or praiseworthy – think about such things.
We have spent a lot of time during this series discussing the subject of Halloween. We have covered much of the meaning and history of this public holiday.
Do I really need to go into the history of the Druids and how Halloween is based on most of their pagan customs?
Probably not.
If you read all of the other articles in this multi-part series of articles; I think you have probably received the jest of what I mean when I say Halloween appears to be a pagan holiday in every way.
Maybe you have realized that God does not want us to follow pagan practices in our lives.
There comes a time for no more words.
Only actions will matter.
So why continue with more and more of the same conversations?
You could really discuss one reason after another for hours and hours if you wished to waste your time on such things. However; I’ll bet you have much better and more productive things to be doing with your valuable time.
So; I’ll cut to the chase and ask the larger question.
The larger question is: what will you decide to do with the truth?
Will you just ignore it? (I actually did do that for years.)
Will you overlook it? (I even tried hiding there too.)
Will you consider half of it and leave the rest to whatever happens whenever? (This might be me a few years ago; hating the day but loving my grandchildren and their “play” activities.)
Will you heed the information and try to live up to the first commandment? (The resolve of my heart this year; to abstain and speak the truth in love when needed.)
You know what ugly monster will always raise its head just about the time your own mind becomes clear……
Is there still a bit of doubt on your part?
Could this stand be too legalistic?
No. There is forgiveness for past sins available here. We serve a great and merciful, loving God.
He isn’t about “legalism.”
As a matter of fact He IS all about what is best for you.
There is a difference.
That is why I’ve begun to call the ten commandments by the name we used long ago when teaching little children; “the ten best ways to live.” Most of the time you will hear me refer to them this way instead of saying “the law.”
It took a lot of love for God to show stiff-necked, rebellious, sinners how to live. He had just that much love to give. So much that He died for us.
If legalism has come to pass in any form, it was called a “crucifixion.”
If anyone is guilty of “legalism” it is us; you know – “we the people” who allowed someone else to DIE in our place.
All of us dirty-rotten-sinners needed an act of legalism to save us.
Now that is exercising the rights of legalism right down to the letter of the law.
The blame for the need rests on our head; not God’s. Every single sinner is guilty of that act of legalism.
But Jesus didn’t mind doing that for us. So why would we mind keeping a few little rules that God The Father has given us for our own good?
If you repent with a sincere heart; God will forgive you. No matter how many times you go astray or fail to notice what you are constantly doing wrong in His name, God still forgives. God is forever merciful, loving and kind.
The only people who do not receive forgiveness are those who never ask (repent, turn and change.)
If you are not forgiven in eternity; it isn’t God’s fault. You will have no one but yourself to blame.
By the way; if you truly belong to Him; you are operating under His name and His authority.
That is quite a responsibility.
Have you kept God’s stamp of approval on you (in the form of His name) pure?
Speaking for myself; I have to repent of something almost every day. I doubt that others are much different than me.
The wonderful thing is that God FORGIVES every day!
It never fails.
Maybe; like me, you have much to confess. I confess I have allowed myself to become “soft” on these issues over the years since learning the truth. Often I have let the world creep into my home.
I have failed to remember and/or keep all of these things that I know to be true. There have even been times I have deliberately looked the other way or participated in the crowd. I’m not proud to admit these things.
A good friend had a conversation with me one day not too long ago that brought me way back down to reality.
I am thankful to God for such a good friend. Yes; I feel very blessed to have someone to lovingly point things out to me in such a kind and unassuming way. I pray that I can one day return the favor and do the same for others.
Falling into this “Halloween” trap can be so easy to do. This is especially true when you have grown children that agree with you on most things; but not everything. It is hard when those that you love sometimes agree on some occasions, but are not as convicted as you are (or they are not as convicted in the same way.) They still operate in the world in a slightly different manner than the path you choose to follow.
You always remember that they sometimes “give” on their traditions and customs for you; so why shouldn’t you be a little bit softer with these things they still participate in of the world?
One thing I know for sure; when you come to the place of actually trying to convince yourself by saying “what difference would it make?” You have come to a sad place.
Everything ALWAYS makes a difference.
Every breath, every moment, every little thing that you do makes a difference.
The real question is WHO do you want to please with the difference you make? Do you want to please the world and those participating in it; or do you want to please God?
It all boils down to that question.
I could give a million excuses and place the blame for wrong actions in a million different places for a million assorted reasons; but you know in the end none of that is really the problem.
Excuses and blame don’t really count when God sees all and knows more about things than we do.
All that really matters in the end is God’s Word.
Hiding in that Word are the depths of true love. It isn’t ever the easy path. Sometimes The Word has to be tough and unwavering in order to be real.
Maybe you have grandchildren who look just adorable in those innocent little costumes. Perhaps you want to show them off thinking they will only be this little once. The temptation is just so great. You know they are so innocent and you are just so proud of how cute they are.
What harm could this bring?
You find yourself stopping in your own tracks and turning around in shock when you ponder the fact deeper. Suddenly you realize that these kids are now receiving more and more of the ways of the pagans of the world as they grow into adults. Suddenly you realize that what you failed to teach your children might carry over to what they fail to teach their children.
Will you let the pattern continue?
One great alternative I’ve found is to celebrate Purim with the little ones every year. At Purim people dress in costumes and feast; but for totally different reasons than Halloween. It is a great alternative for using all the cute and adorable costumes without sinning in the process.
Yes, those heavy thoughts DO change things.
You begin to feel different about how cute they are and how much innocent fun they are having.
Suddenly, you become more focused on the formation of their souls.
You begin to ponder their future. How is it being molded? Are they being taught to follow God’s ways or to follow the crowd? Even most churches of today are teaching children to follow the crowd when they implement Halloween into their Fall Festivals.
Yes; often it happens that way.
The Gospel and The Truth; they change things.
It is sometimes hard to watch others who don’t believe the same things you do go out to a celebration that you have chosen not to participate in. Perhaps you are used to sharing in all of your grandchildren’s life events. In your mind and heart you know this will be one that you will have to miss.
It is that old battle of human nature that never seems to let go of us. It hangs around no matter how much logic our minds and hearts have learned.
That old nature rises up and threatens to destroy our best testimony.
When those innocent little ones grow up and begin to ask the deeper questions; the devil knows he’s got us because we caved and we won’t have a ground to stand on.
This is only true until we decide to turn and begin to walk in the right direction.
I want to be able to look my grandchildren square in the eyes and tell them what I actually believe with a clear conscious. Perhaps they will look back one day in the future and say “Gma explained this to me when I was young; now I can see why and what she meant.”
Nothing would make my heart sing more.
We are all human. Everyone wants to fit-in and belong.
I’ve been guilty in the not-too-distant past of feeling and acting this way. It is that never ending longing for a unity with my fellowman that only Christ can cure.
Just because I KNOW the truth doesn’t mean I’ve always acted on it. I have fallen many times. I’ve had to reach up for the hand of Jesus to pull me out of the mud over and over again.
There is no way for me to point a finger and accuse anyone because the thumb would be pointing right back at me!
All I can do is repent. I can determine to be more aware from this moment on and move on. Repentance without change isn’t really repentance though; it is just empty words. The change comes in following through with what you and God have resolved to be the best way.
Thinking further on how my heart really wants to change some of the worldly patterns of our daily lives; I realize that in the end it is actually those people that I love so much that I hate to miss out on the celebrations with that I am most concerned for in the long run.
I may miss something this day, or this month, or this year, that they are enjoying without me and without considering the consequences. Still; it is my hope to be able to encourage them to see the results of keeping good accounts with God over the long-haul.
I am willing to give up a few things with them on this earth in order to enjoy eternity with them forever. Therefore, I must resolve to take a firmer stand on such things from this point forward.
Every day is a new page of our story.
If I start a change today; it MIGHT make a difference to another generation one day in the future.
Who will go with me?
As I look at how our culture thinks and moves I can see that we are constantly encouraged with the nurturing and caring for our environment. If my stand on this subject was environmentally related, or even about pet-health or even human-health I think others might listen.
Maybe if it involved some type of popular social justice issue; I don’t think anyone would think twice about it. They would simply agree and join in this effort with me.
The fact of the matter is that the stand I want to take here (to become more aware of my actions and less pagan in my ways) is not a part of those popular movements. It isn’t a popular subject or cause; it is very unpopular in nature.
This is simply a spiritual decision; which if you stop and think about it; SHOULD take precedence over all other subjects. Yet; here again the devil has made these things vague and unclear to most.
Hardly any will see or grasp this logic.
You can talk and write till you are blue in the face and your fingers drop off from typing.
Still; no one will want to listen to this logic.
Satan has muddied the waters of the world. They are so muddy that most of us can’t see straight or focus in the right way. We blindly follow each other into the pit without ever considering any alternative options.
Here again; I hope my desire to be more conscious of such things will make a difference in the long run for the future. That would be good; even if it is laughed at and called foolish today.
So in the meantime; I have to go back to my original statements in the first article of this series. With those words I hope for the same grace from others that I intend to extend as this holiday progresses. I will still refuse to be hateful, or accusing, or mean to those who think differently than I do. There is no point in such actions.
I will try my best to counteract each evil situation I encounter with some type of good,. This will not be pretend good; but actual good.
What alternative actions are best though?
Those groups who change the name of the party to one that is more accepted and do all the same things aren’t really changing anything.
I will attempt to make positive changes with REAL alternatives that please God instead of men. At the same time, I will attempt to continue to show love to mankind. My highest goal is to show the love, grace and mercy of Jesus Christ to all, no matter where, or when or whatever happens.
Most of the time, I will simply remain quiet and still and trust God for the proper guidance.
Hence when you meet me on the streets; I won’t be preaching to you about your activities. In turn I hope you will respect my desire to leave all of those things I have defined as pagan out of my life.
I will leave the teaching of your children up to you. I have raised my household; and in doing so have also made my own share of mistakes. All I can do now is to place them in the hands of God and ask Him to lead them down the right paths.
Some (most) of my family members will not even read these articles.
They will go out and do many of the things I consider pagan. They won’t lose a wink of sleep over it. I will simply resolve to be still and know that God has their back. He will bring them to His truth one day in His good time and His good way.
Long ago I placed every member of my family inside God’s strong and capable hands. I don’t have to carry that heavy load anymore; Jesus is doing just fine. If you haven’t done this; it might be time to turn them over to the One who knows all the answers.
I long ago quit trying to preach to or convert family members. Even Jesus had trouble with that when he returned to the home of his youth.
When any such occasions of tension arise; I will simply remember that a prophet is usually never heard or appreciated on his home turf. I’ll consider the fact that only God can open people’s ears and eyes to His truth.
If this happened even to Jesus; why wouldn’t it happen to all of us?
Some people will never see what I have seen, or believe what I believe because God has not yet chosen to reveal the same things to them. God has his own perfect timing.
At the same time, the same people MAY know much more of God’s will and act much stronger than me in other areas where I am weak and uninformed. That is where we can all learn to be flexible. It is the place to show love and kindness to one another; as children of The Living God are commanded to do.
Iron sharpens iron.
So how do you survive Halloween if God has convicted you that it is wrong?
Just know that God is so much bigger than Halloween!
Go on out there and have a great day.
Look around you and consider what a joy it is to be saved and living in God’s will.
Offer up a prayer of thanks and trust God to show you the way through the day.
Could anything be greater or more wonderful than that?
There is absolutely nothing to be sad about if you have learned the lesson that Christ has said we will need in the end of time – that of being an overcomer.
Be happy and keep spreading the joy.
So many things are good, lovely and right – enjoy those things.
Here are a few more suggestions:
Take a walk and thank God for the beautiful Fall art work that He gives us in the landscape every year. Thank Him for creating and making the trees and the lovely foliage that we get to experience in this season. It is His present to us!
Worship the Creator; not the creation.
Be grateful for a bountiful year. Be thankful for a good harvest of whatever financial blessings your family enjoys. That is your RIGHTFUL harvest festival. God has blessed the fruit of your labors. Rejoice in those things.
Send some of that bounty on to others who need a helping hand. Look around you and see if anyone suffers. Offer help and assistance. You might be blessed more than they.
There is always something to be thankful for in God’s world. Most of us have been blessed beyond measure if we simply stop to think about it.
If the schools force this pagan holiday upon you because your kids will be singled out if they do not participate in Halloween; why not consider homeschooling?
Who should make the rules for raising kids; the school, the government, or their parents?
Many wholesome family events are still out there. Many are purely celebrating the bountiful blessings of a fall harvest blessing from God instead of creating an alternative name for Halloween and carrying out the same types of traditions.
I actually know of one church that has a week of revival meetings instead of a “fall festival.” Now that is TRULY coming out of paganism! Instead of praying for the souls of the dead; they are witnessing to the souls of the living.
That gives me hope!
Find such places and join in.
They do still exist; you just have to seek them out.
Our eternal life of living forever with God is part of what we celebrate in the Fall Holy Days of God when we celebrate Sukkot/Tabernacles. In the course of that time we are thankful for God’s great harvest of souls. Let our harvest thoughts stay pure and godly; for these types of celebrations are good and right.
Keep remembering the good memories of all that God has shown you in the times of these Fall Holy Days. Let them carry you on through the dark days of winter. They will lift your spirits and inspire you to love others and celebrate God on this earth that He has given. Your darkness will soon turn to The Light.
One year at The Feast of Tabernacles we all decided to keep a journal of all the ways God spoke to us each day. Now might be a good time to pull those journals out for review.
If you don’t have such a journal you might consider starting a new journal as you go through the fall season. Write down your blessings and count the blessings instead of the curses.
You can still cook and enjoy the the seasonal foods that God has taught the earth to produce every year at this time. Seasonal vegetables and dishes are delicious. There is nothing wrong with preparing and enjoying them for all the right reasons.
Cook your favorite seasonal dishes. Include some of those delicious candies and pies and cakes to share with everyone. There is nothing wrong and everything right about being thankful and enjoying a little table-time together as a family or with friends. Eat some candied apples or pumpkin pie together!
Jesus enjoyed fellowship of the table often.
Have your own family gatherings that simply imply thanksgiving to God for the fall harvest. Find your friends and neighbors that feel the same as you and celebrate the Fall season together.
If football games or other sports events are not scheduled during a Sabbath; they are a good way to gather for fun and leisure. Many games of the season occur after sunset on a Saturday evening.
Leave out the politics and just enjoy the sport.
You don’t have to watch the half-time activities if they are going in the wrong direction. Use that time to enjoy snacks and fellowship. Football is just one of many suggestions for a very seasonal activity that CAN be enjoyed. There are many more besides football that are harmless fun if they are done with good judgment.
Soccer is very popular and great exercise. Why not run around in a favorite sport instead of running around in some pagan activity?
Not a sports fan? Why not have a family and friends board game night and/or a family movie night?
Arts and crafts fairs are wonderful and bountiful in the fall; they don’t have to include pagan activities.
Remember that apples and pumpkins are simply apples and pumpkins! Enjoy their great flavors as you walk around the exhibits in the cool, crisp air. They belong to the part of Fall that God created.
God Himself is the greatest artist that ever existed. Look for godly artist and support them, whether it be in the form of paintings, sculpture, written word, poetry, dance or music.
Why not get your family outside and enjoy all the good stuff that you ARE surrounded by?
Listen to a concert.
Take in a decent movie.
Visit with friends.
Listen to a great lecture.
Enjoy our national parks and attractions.
Go horseback riding.
Ride a motorcycle through the mountains.
Arrange a hay-ride that doesn’t include pagan activities. Have a “down on the farm day” and let the little ones learn about taking care of animals and growing food.
Take a hike in the woods or take your family on a fall picnic.
There are a million and one GOOD fall activities to replace those pagan ones. You won’t miss them!
Most of all – just pray and have a very normal day.
Tell your kids how much fun they will have dressing up in those cute innocent little costumes when Purim comes around.
There is a difference you know in dressing in costumes at Purim and dressing in costumes at Halloween.
One holiday (Halloween) is one long lesson on evil; but one post-Mosaic holiday (Purim) teaches the contrasts and differences between good and evil. It is all learned through the story of Esther and The King. Children learn through play what the destiny of every Christian should be. Costumes can be a lot of fun at Purim when they are not being used to promote the devil; but to defeat him.
So if you consider Halloween pagan, but you still want your children to have the fun of playing dress-up; why not teach them about Purim this year?
They don’t have to miss the fun of dress up activities. I think you will find the contrasts heavily in favor of Purim if you weigh the two days out properly. Why not test me on this and find out for yourself?
Many people have erroneously considered the fact that maybe Halloween comes from Purim. This may be because people dress up in costumes for both occasions. Also; they notice that some evil characters are portrayed at both times.
However; if you think about it; the first Purim actually occurred many years AFTER the nation of Israel was wondering through the wilderness. God told them to come out of the ways of Egypt; where many of the pagan rituals which God abhors first originated. The pagan rituals of Halloween were going on long before Purim.
Purim definitely did NOT come from Halloween. In contrast; the messages of these two holidays are diametrically opposed to one another.
Purim is about turning evil situations into good and conquering and destroying evil forever. Halloween is about helping evil to continue to exist.
Don’t jump off a cliff and lose your logic.
We are simply trying to put God first and follow Him; not to totally do away with everything that mankind has established. Some of these things that man has established are good and in no way pagan.
Purim isn’t one of the seven holy days that God commanded; but it is a good post-Mosaic holiday. Hanukkah falls into the same category. These celebrations are simply man-declared memorials of days that God showed up and made miracles happen for His people. Followers of God love to remember such days.
Therefore; please realize and consider that all man-made holidays are not pagan. Some of them are healthy and instructional and good celebrations which help us to remember or memorialize something good that has happened in history. One example would be Independence Day.
My father-in-law had a favorite saying: “Just chew up the meat and spit out the bones.”
These wise words have helped me tremendously over the years.
He has not been with us for many years now, but I have often thought of the wisdom of his words. They are extremely helpful when it comes to keeping a godly balance and living out life inside a family. Balance is so important while trying to keep everything in-line with God’s order. This is especially true when it comes to celebrating holy days and holidays.
When you first decide to take all the familiar pagan traditions out of your family routines, it will leave you with an empty hole in your heart. You will soon desire to fill those spaces with something fun and adventurous and exciting.
Once you discover the true holy days of God and as you begin to live them out, you quickly realize what abundance you have missed all along. The hole in your heart gets filled up with celebrations that are much better and more eternally satisfying.
Eventually; you lose your hunger for pagan activities all together.
Soon you will find yourself totally enjoying the wonderful things that have God’s complete approval.
After years of keeping God’s Holy Days; you will come to see that God has a good way of allowing all of those things you considered fun and innocent included inside HIS days. He simply doesn’t incorporate pagan activities and occasions.
The pagan schemes originated with God’s enemy Satan. He is the one who is always trying to counterfeit. He is always taking a perfectly harmless, godly thing and twisting it around backwards in order to meet his own definitions. It makes him feel more important than God. We all know this isn’t true.
So; as Halloween approaches this year; here is my prayer for you, my friends:
On this evening when most of the world around us is indulging in pagan practices and indulging the ways of evil; many of them totally unaware of how You feel; please look down with mercy and forgiveness and place our family members, our friends, our community, our country, and this whole wide world under your solid shield of protection.
Please place guarding angels over our homes, our loved ones who are with us, and our loved ones who are away from us on this night. Please guard and protect our children who are with us, and those who are out on the streets. Protect those parents who innocently think they are protecting their kids. Please forgive them for their lack of insight and protect them and keep them until You can bring them safely into Your fold of truth and into the solid place of Your abiding safety and love.
Forgive us LORD if we have not taught them well, and if our other sins are even greater than the ones they commit tonight; please help us to see ourselves in Your light and to return to Your ways in all that we do. Forgive us LORD if we have created the patterns that they are repeating tonight. Help us to turn and do better. Please give us new opportunities to witness to Your ways.
Help us to end the ways of evil in this land where You have placed us, and help us to return unto You and Your ways in all that we do and think and say.
Show us how to accomplish Your Will within our daily lives LORD. Convict our hearts to follow you in all circumstances so that our nation may be returned to You and again may be known as “One Nation Under God.”
As Moses prayed for You to stay with the people in the wilderness after they sinned and worshiped the golden calf; we too pray in the same fashion. We ask for mercy and forgiveness on our nation. We repent for our nation. Also; we humbly ask that you forgive us and stay with us and continue to lead us through this journey until Your Kingdom comes. May Your ways fill our hearts with Your love and grace and freedom forever and ever inside Your Kingdom.
We ask all these things in the precious name of Jesus Christ Our Savior.