Have you seen our two brand new devotional books for celebrating the fall seasonal dates of Elul and The Ten Days of Awe?
The previews are not available to blog yet; but the covers are here for your review. You can see the previews if you click into them on the Amazon.com page for ordering books. (This means the “FREE PREVIEW” button on the cover here does not work yet, but you can see this nice preview of the covers. The Amazon pages WILL give you the full previews.)
Here is a sneak peak of CHRISTIAN MEDITATIONS FOR ELUL written by Gail Landgraf (:cover only.)
Here is a sneak peak of THE TEN DAYS OF AWE FOR CHRISTIANS written by Gail Landgraf (cover only.):
You will have to go directly to Amazon.com to see this full FREE PREVIEW page too. The great information is available there. We simply wanted to share the covers with you today.
These are beautifully illustrated, brand new editions of two lovely dovotionals written especially for this fall season of Elul 2023.
There is no time for promoting these particular publications with a book launch, so you may not notice them until after the season. That is why we are trying to let you know THEY ARE HERE AND YOU CAN ORDER!!!!
Both books will be available and on hand when we finally do launch EXODUS TO FREEDOM in September. We will have paperback copies on hand at the book launch, as well as our other previously published books. You might want to order these two NOW though, before this year’s season has passed.
The Fall Holy Day season is already underway and in full motion, so we wanted to make these publications available to you immediately. These two books will be great to keep for review in the future Fall Holy Day seasons, or you could even use them for any time you want to use a daily devotion tool (as the contents include appropriate daily devotionals which are good reminders and teaching tools for the whole year too.)
We are excited to add these two new additions to our company’s previous publications.
More information can be found and orders can be placed immediately at Amazon.com. No need to wait.
Place your orders now.
Please don’t forget to tell your friends and neighbors to use Amazon.com to order their copies today!