Summer is leaving us. August is gone!
It is time to begin to start thinking about Fall. That always excites us here at The IN SEASON Lifestyle blog. We can’t wait to begin publishing more Fall articles in the blog during the days ahead.
First though; let’s not forget to review the days we shared in August. You never know what you might have missed when you were not paying attention. We have it all recapped here for you so that you can refer to past articles for use as future references or reminders. Think of this as a free monthly magazine full of great information.
We want all of our posts to be useful to you. Be sure to drop us a note and let us know how you like the articles. There is room for comments at the end of every blog post we publish.
Below is a recap of our August 2022 articles.

The study of The Book of Joshua has been very exciting and full of interesting patterns.
We have received a lot of new people into our Thursday gatherings. I want to again give each of you a warm welcome!
This is your blog hug.
Most of this month was consecrated to the more spiritual side of things instead of posting so many food, décor, travel and literary/art articles. That is just the way God wanted it to be; so I’ll not apologize. Don’t worry; those other categories of the blog will never disappear; but with the timing of this month we had some really insightful bible study and we want to remember those lessons here:
As a matter of fact, our August bible study lessons seemed to be so intense that many of them called for more follow-up thoughts on the Friday after our Thursday studies.
These are those lessons we posted on the Friday’s following our Thursday studies this month; just in case you wish to dig deeper into some already deep subjects:

Well, we DID manage to squeeze in a few recipes in spite of the main focus this month being our bible studies. We could not neglect to print our back-to-school-snack tips!

We have entered the month of Elul, a very beautiful time of the spiritual year.
If you wish to follow each of the days in a devotional be sure to look at the recap of our ALL MY DAYS CALENDAR ARTICLES FOR AUGUST. These will continue in September too.

If you are getting ready for God’s Fall Holy Days through meditation; you will love our Elul meditations. Don’t worry – we are going to continue writing them in September too – until Elul is complete and we come to The Days of Awe.

Did you notice that we used the word “plans” and not “articles”?
That is because the world of blogging can be so unpredictable. Our plans can be changed in a heart-beat; especially if God is urging us to do something new.
Or maybe there are world events that our readers want addressed. We try to address those things if at all possible.
Of course we are always true to our own causes. This blog loves seasonal activities; especially those that God ordained. If we are having a season of mediation; there are usually blog posts for each day. Most of our readers LOVE this and some of them read specifically to catch such articles.
If you aren’t reading for the seasonal meditations; don’t worry, more of your favorite posts for the typical things of daily life will come back soon. We love sharing seasonal recipes, decorating and travel ideas. If there is something going on in the world of literature or any other type of art that a Christian would relate to; we will be posting that in our PEN ART topics so that all of our readers will be able to stay in the know.
Here are the things we have planned so far for this September:

So look for more of The book of Joshua Bible Study in the COME AS A CHILD topic section of the blog next month. This on-going study is just getting started good. It has been wonderful so far with lots of participation.
We are definitely finding a lot of Old Testament subjects that relate to New Testament living.
As an aside just for your information; the author of the blog is still compiling and editing our previous Exodus study into a book summary for our readers. Don’t give up – we hope to complete it before next year arrives. We think there will also be a new workbook to go along with The Gospel Hidden in Genesis, Books 1 and 2, which we have already published. It will be very useful for group study groups. You can find all of our publications on Amazon.com. Google the book title you are interested in reading; and/or stop in to Gail Landgraf’s Book Page at this link: https://www.amazon.com/Gail-Landgraf/e/B08W3LXDVM.

This is the time leading up to and arriving at the Fall Holy Days!
It is such an exciting and life-changing season to go through.
What an amazing time to look forward to each year.
We try to provide any information that any one might want to obtain concerning God’s Annual Holy Days from a Christian perspective. Look for some new articles on The Feast of Trumpets, The Day of Atonement, The Days of Awe, The Season of Elul Meditations and The Feast of Tabernacles. All of these articles come to you from a Christian perspective in laymen’s language that is easy to understand.
We love sharing the good news of all of God’s family traditions with our readers. If you enjoy them too be sure to read about what is coming up next on our ALL MY DAYS CALENDAR PAGE. These two sections of the blog coordinate nicely with one another.

Do you realize the Hebraic calendar is about to turn the page to a brand new year?
We will be sharing articles about this fact as well articles concerning the Holy Day called The Feast of Trumpets which commemorates this time in our ALL MY DAYS CALENDAR PAGE.
The ALL MY DAYS CALENDAR will be updated for this next year soon. We are sorry it is taking us so long to get to these updates; but we have been busy writing the new articles about all of the new months and seasons! Forgive us being a bit slow and just hang on to your hats a short bit longer; we will definitely not forget this favorite of our blog pages.
Next year we hope to summarize some of these articles into book form for you.
First things first; we promise to get to these updates as soon as possible.
We’ve been so busy updating and writing new articles for this page that we haven’t had time to get the calendar pages up-to-date yet! Yikes! This is definitely a top priority before we begin the Fall Holy Days.
Look for updates concerning The Civil New Year for the Hebraic Calendar beginning with Tishrei 1. There will be articles related to this date (both new articles and older published articles) on this calendar page.
Also, we are so excited to bring you new articles on Rosh Hashanah/The Feast of Trumpets. We will try to throw in some recipes that meet the dietary requirements of the season too. Those will most likely be posted in our MONDAY NIGHT MENUS topics though. A few Feast of Trumpets home décor ideas as well a some crafting ideas might also pop up inside our THE HOUSE DOCTOR topics of September.
If you want some short stories to read in your sukkah for Sukkot; we highly recommend you check out our PRODUCTS topics for September because we will be selling our new book called GOLDEN TALES FOR RAINY DAYS. This book contains a series of short stories for the whole family to enjoy together for every day of the Feast of Tabernacles. You will love the other stories in this book too!
We will try to preview all that we can concerning The Feast of Tabernacles/Sukkot in September so that you will be all ready and prepared for when it arrives in October.
The anticipation is already building!
We can’t wait for this year’s feast days to arrive!

Not every article and publication of this blog is religious in nature.
It is exciting for us to announce that we are about to publish our first book of complete fiction!
We’ve never been so excited about a publication.
This one is special.
One reason for this excitement is that the author of the blog is finally fulfilling a promise to her own grandchildren to compile all of the stories she has told them over the years into a book.
This new book is called “GOLDEN TALES FOR RAINY DAYS.”
A book launch for this fictional work will probably happen after we complete our Fall Holy Days of this year. We put off launching a few books during the season of COVID. Now we want to make up for our waiting. Instead of having several different book launches; we are going to launch an on-line book store instead. Check out our PRODUCTS TOPICS updates below for more information on this coming event.
Our newest book (GOLDEN TALES FOR RAINY DAYS) has fairy tales for young children plus some fictional reading for older adults too. This is definitely designed for families to enjoy together. Each chapter is a new fictional short story. Well; almost all of them are. The author also threw in a few of her favorite seasonal poems just for fun.
The short stories are even divided up into seasonal reading sections of Spring, Summer, Fall and Winter with stories that relate to each season. She almost called this book FAIRY TALES FOR ALL SEASONS, but that title will now belong to the cover of the next edition of fairy tales we produce. There are already more short stories that didn’t get published in this first edition. Who knows how many will happen?
This author has a story for every moment of every season.

I guess you might have noticed that the blog has not been featuring as many products as we have in the past.
We are in the process of turning THE COMMUNITY STORE into an on-line bookstore/gift shop. This new design will be more focused toward our readers, but we are still an Amazon affiliate too. So; we will still be featuring several of the seasonal products ads from Amazon too. They will just be scattered into the appropriate articles, as well as in our new section of the gift shop in The Community Book Store. In the beginning the book store will only feature our own books and/or books of authors we have reviewed in the blog’s PEN ART TOPICS.
Our subscribers will always be the very first to know about our new publications and gift items. You will discover them way before the general public ever gets to see them. So don’t stop visiting our store! Drop in and see all of the newness. The new COMMUNITY BOOK STORE should be finished some time toward the end of 2022.
We think you will love the changes.
One publication that we plan to add to our shelves for sale will be our new publication of a book about The Ten Days of Awe from a Christian perspective. It was hoped that we could get this publication out before these days arrived on the calendar this year. We aren’t sure our perfectionism will allow us to meet that deadline though. It will be on the shelves and available shortly nonetheless. Even if you miss using the book for this year’s devotions; you can order it early and keep it handy for next year.
Be watching!

Gail Landgraf/Editor/Writer/Blogger for The IN SEASON Lifestyle Blog