Sometimes we get caught up in exactly the moment and the thing we are doing. That is a good trait; but it also helps us afterwards to step back a bit and look at the whole picture from a distance instead of up so close.
We get a wider range; a more exact overall view of what is happening.
Counting the Omer can turn out that way too.
We have celebrated Passover and we have begun the sweet spiritual journey up to Pentecost.
Day by day we are soaking in the attributes of God and wanting and desiring to be more like Him and more worshipful of Him.
We consider the little details.
This reminds me of this morning when I was stepping outside my front door to go to work. There on my front lawn was the beautiful bright red cardinal that often comes to visit us. I’m sure he has a family close by; but he was looking for food in our front lawn.
Quickly I grabbed my phone hoping to snatch a lovely photo of his amazing beauty as he hopped across the green grass in his early morning search. I snapped the picture and looked at it later. The lovely bird was only a small red speck on the bright green of the grass in the photo; you could hardly see him at all. I had to enlarge the photo several times to get the full effect of the beautiful bird. If I had waited a few weeks to look back at that photo I would have instantly deleted it; not remembering what that tiny red spec meant to me in that cherished early morning moment of time.
There is much thought and attention put into the things of life that we often take for granted. We have to enlarge the photos of our days to look at those details.
Are we kind?
Or; are we compassionate?
Have we been going about turning and serving God in the right ways and with the right intentions?
Are we flawed in some of our thinking; or definitions of what is godly and what is not?
Do we reflect Messiah in all that we do?
All of the days of counting the omer number up to seven weeks. Seven is the number of completion.
By the time we hit that day of Pentecost we should all be closer to God in new and exciting ways.
We have been stretching and reaching for that lofty goal of being more like Him. More loving, more giving, more forgiving. Never do we want to stop thinking of how to be more like Christ.
We meditate on all that He means to us, and all that he has done for us. We examine our own lives closer as we wait on the further miracles that God will give to us.
The Day of Pentecost is coming!
It is a great miracle!
Eventually; we hope to come to the end of our counting in the journey of the next 50 days with great expectations.
Life with Messiah should always be this way.
When we begin to think of the ancient actions and thoughts that lead us through the counting of the Omer and how it helps us come to Pentecost with the best possible attitude toward The Kingdom of God; suddenly it dawns on us that there is more to this story!
More than Pentecost?
How so?
There is the fact that Christ is coming again!
As The Holy Spirit of God fills our willing and waiting hearts on the special day that God’s church was forever united, and heaven and earth actually collided; we realize there is still something larger to come. There is the day that Christ will return!
Does God want us to eagerly await the coming of Christ and our joyful reunion with Him in the Second Coming just as fervently as we count the days leading up to Pentecost?
Of course!
This is the end result of ALL of the waiting.
Counting the days until Pentecost is like a dress rehearsal for counting the days until The Marriage Supper of The Lamb.
As we consider what we need to be beautiful in God’s eyes before Pentecost; let’s look a bit further and consider what we need to be beautiful, spotless and white as The Bride of Christ.
Pentecost is only the beginning of the rest of the story.
He is coming soon!
Are you ready?