A reason for celebrating Purim in every generation is given in the words of Esther 9:26-28. It wasn’t just a one-time historical event for sharing the joy. This great event which proclaims the continuation of the Jews forever was to last through all generations.
Purim isn’t a mandated holiday for believers. The holiday of Purim happened long after God gave us His holy feasts and festivals. However; Purim does put an explanation point over the meanings behind all of God’s appointed days. That is why we have come to realize that Purim for all generations is critical. It is very important that we all continue to remember the story.
Thinking further and deeper, if we did not have Purim, none of the other feasts and festivals would have meaning. Messiah came because the Jews were saved. Because the Jews were saved, we ALL were saved.
Now you may be thinking, that doesn’t pertain to me, since (officially) I am not a Jew. However, if you are a follower of Yeshua; technically, you can actually be called a Jew. Perhaps you suffer from the fact that those before you did not understand that Purim is for every generation.
What? How is that so?
God has adopted all followers of Yeshua into the Old Olive Tree called Israel. Here is an article which explains this very well: https://hoshanarabbah.org/blog/2021/06/20/are-non-jewish-christians-gentiles-jews-or-what/. I hope this helps you to be more like Esther. She gained a much deeper appreciation for her true identity as she received more responsibility and power in her calling.
Esther knew exactly who she was. She kept her heart focused on her God.
ESTHER 9:26-28
(Therefore these days were called Purim, from the word pur.) Because of everything written in this letter and because of what they had seen and what had happened to them,the Jews took it on themselves to establish the custom that they and their descendants and all who join them should without fail observe these two days every year, in the way prescribed and at the time appointed.These days should be remembered and observed in every generation by every family, and in every province and in every city. And these days of Purim should never fail to be celebrated by the Jews—nor should the memory of these days die out among their descendants.
This observance was so important that Esther used her position as Queen to write it down. That royal decree was then shared with all nations.
We know that the actions of Esther in the story of Purim represent and shadow the coming of Jesus. Her heroic efforts for the Jews brought salvation to the nation of Israel. They also assured salvation for the generations who would come after them.
The blessing of Purim are as true for the Jews who believe in Yeshua, as they are for the believers who call themselves Christians. Actually, these “other believers” should consider themselves grafted into Israel, and therefore; children of Abraham. This makes them Jews. Here is a wonderful article written by a Rabbi. HIs words explaining these facts are the best I’ve ever encountered: https://www.jewishvoice.org/read/blog/10-biggest-lies-about-yeshua-his-jewishness-and-what-some-call-jewish-christianity.
Purim not only freed the nation of Israel, it also freed the rest of the world. This is true because from this freedom we were given a Messiah. The generations of the nation of Israel after Purim have always spelled out this truth to their children.
Will the generations after us (who call ourselves The Church of Jesus Christ) also spell out the truth of God?
Let us hope and pray that this is the case. The only way to always know is to pass the story of Purim on, from generation to generation. We are so good at doing this with all the wrong things. Why can’t we reverse our wrong traditions and pass on the truth of God with appropriate celebrations?
One way to do this is to always remember to celebrate Purim. https://theinseasonlifestyle.com/how-to-celebrate-purim/.
Purim is such a fun holiday for the young. Celebrating Purim is so much better than the world’s way of celebrating Halloween. If the young learn to enjoy the holiday called Purim, they will see its truth and appreciate the further and deeper meanings of the story when they mature.
Perhaps, if we are very fortunate, our own next generations will pass the importance of this holiday on to their children and grandchildren.
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