There are so many more things that we could bring out from our last two lessons about Rahab and the crossing of the Jordan River. Our blog has previously published so many other articles from past studies that back up these two lessons.
I wish to review those lessons in a later article for you; just in case you want to read them. Look for that post in a few days.
Also, in the meantime; I’ve had some other thoughts as to how much today’s culture relates to these two passages in the book of Joshua.
You all probably know that I would choose “nondenominational” should I have to describe how my faith affiliates with any certain church group or organization. I think there are true and dedicated servants of God in all religions. I also believe there are enemies of God in all religions. The Church of God is probably closer to my way of living than any other as far as worship and follow through go; but from time to time I find other strong leaders that hit the nail right on the head as far as knowing and acknowledging truth in other places.
One of these places is even a leader in the Catholic Church. (I am definitely not Catholic.) His name is Archbishop Vigano.
I find this amazing Archbishop’s comments and writings to be brilliant. His words are so true of today’s cultural movements. He is a strong advocate for life; which I also loudly applaud.
Though not at all aware of our bible study here; Archbishop Vigano recently made a public statement which I think (accidentally) coincides so beautifully with our previous lesson on “crossing over” the Jordan River.
Here is a quote from a statement he recently made:
“The more the truth is denied and hidden from the multitude by those who should instead proclaim it courageously; the more it finds new paths and new outlets, like the unstoppable current of a rushing river. If the riverbed is diverted, the current finds other ways to reach the mouth. When there is stability and order this current follows its proper course, irrigating the fields and quenching the thirst of the herds. But in the present disorder of the civil and ecclesiastical revolution the same current overwhelms everything that it finds along its path, especially near the sea; bridges, crops and cities.”
I ask you. Is this not a perfect picture of those ancient priests of Joshua’s day carrying the Ark of The Covenant into the Jordan River?
It took God’s Ten Commandments inside The Ark of The Covenant where God’s Presence existed to stop the flow of the river and divert it until God’s people could find their proper place; bringing order to chaos, good to evil and abundance to lack. They had to cross over and fight a few battles first. So do we. Only people following God can win those battles that lie ahead.
Those obedient priests and people marching in their total obedience to God stopped the usual flow of the currents of this mighty river. It diverted a possible disaster of people trying to cross in the chaos of turbulent waters. Because they were obedient priests and people; God’s people gained safe passage to a new land that was flowing with milk and honey.
What if the priests and the people had not paid attention to God’s command to carry the Ark which contained God’s Ten Commandments ahead of them?
What do you think would have happened if mere humans had handled the problem of crossing the river all by themselves instead of following God’s instructions?
The people would have been in the condition that Archbishop Vigano described above for “our present disorder of civil and ecclesiastical revolution.”
The same current that would have saved them with God’s help would now “overwhelm everything that it finds along its path, especially near the sea; bridges, crops and cities.”
People; no matter which social country club, political affiliation or church group they find themselves attending; soon discover one universal truth.
The important thing is that we all work together to listen to and follow our One Great God.
We must be obedient to His commandments. That is the key to overcoming great disaster and trouble in this earth, and especially in every nation.
Men without these commandments are helpless and eventually see their own demise.
Look at what is happening even now to our oceans, our public transportation systems, our food sources (crops) and the thriving of our great cities.
The answer?
Return to God and keep His commandments.
My hat is off to Archbishop Vigano who is boldly and bravely speaking God’s truth in the midst of so much deception that corrupts every facet of all of the churches of today. His words of truth are refreshing and invigorating; even to an old Protestant like me.