As mentioned before; there is so much more about the story of Rahab for us to explore. Her story is layered in many hidden truths which are very meaningful and relevant to us today.
Isn’t it amazing how some of the bad guys turn out to be heroes and heroines in the end? You could certainly apply this theory to the story of Rahab. This phenomenon just goes to prove that people make mistakes when there is no true direction in their lives. Rahab finally found her true north.
It is interesting how God often uses the circumstances of his people even before they come full circle. Rahab acted on a gut feeling of faith when she chose to hide God’s servants who were scoping out the land of promise. It is very doubtful that she had the time to think things through; she just KNEW that God wanted her to do something and she did it.
I have to marvel at the fact that she hid the two men under the stalks of flax which were drying on the rooftop.
Flax is a product that must be refined, like gold. It has to be processed in order to achieve its final value; but when this happens you get the luxury of owning fine linen. God is refining the harvest of The Church into a type of “fine linen.”
We wrote about fine linen in a previous lesson. I think that article is worth re-reading; so I’m going to reprint it here for you. Can you read this lesson for the second time and realize how God used the lives of Rahab, Joshua and the priests of old who were leading Israel to refine His church?
I wonder.
It is our hope that this study of The Book of Joshua is blessing you.
Also; you may be able to identify many other articles in the blog that also pertain to this subject. There is deep significance in the meaning of the scarlet chord. The history of the Church is one long thread of scarlet. We hope to post an article regarding that analogy soon.
In the meantime; Happy hunting!