Have you ever wondered what two people with faith, obedience and confidence are capable of as a team? We get a good answer to this question when we look at the story of Jonathan and his armor-bearer.
Thank you for joining The IN SEASON Lifestyle blog’s COME AS A CHILD BIBLE STUDY. Today we are pondering 1 Samuel 14. We are looking at the significance of the life of Jonathan.
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Jonathan spoke to his armor-bearer. We hear his exact words in 1 Samuel 14:6-10: Jonathan said to his young armor-bearer, “Come, let’s go over to the outpost of those uncircumcised men. Perhaps the Lord will act in our behalf. Nothing can hinder the Lord from saving, whether by many or by few.”
Can you see the strength of The Lord and faith of Jonathan in that very last statement?
Whenever the bible speaks of “uncircumcised men” we know we are facing an enemy of God. How do I know this? It is a repeated pattern all through the scriptures. We also know that God doesn’t like “lukewarm” followers. You are either FOR God or you are AGAINST Him. There is no true in-between. Those who are FOR Him are usually called the circumcised. If you are opposed to God’s ways you belong to the group called the “uncircumcised.”
We can explain this in more detail.
The words “circumcised,” “uncircumcised,” “circumcision,” and “uncircumcision” are found in over one hundred places in the scriptures. Here is an article which gives the details of these facts: https://www.neverthirsty.org/bible-qa/qa-archives/question/circumcised-uncircumcised-mean-in-bible/. Today’s warriors of God must understand the spiritual aspects of this symbolic sign. It reveals whether a people or person are godly or ungodly. Circumcision states whether one is living for or against God’s Covenants. A spiritual sign would be if you are able to recognize a person’s baptism.
As a warrior of God, Jonathan understood the scriptures. From them he knew God’s calendar. He recognized the significance of a day called The Eighth Day. As a Hebrew believer, Jonathan was living out the truth of life in light of the wholeness he understood. This wholeness included the celebrations of the eighth day. This day is symbolic of the day of spiritual circumcision. It speaks of the markings of the heart of a man of God. https://bestirrednotshaken.com/holy-days/eighth-day-in-the-bible-all-things-made-new/.
In Genesis 17:10 God tells Abraham and his descendants to be “circumcised.” This word In Hebrew is “mul.” It means “to cut off and/or in front of.”
Leviticus 12:3 tells of how all Hebrew males were required to be circumcised. This happened on the eighth day after their birth. Circumcision became a symbolic sign of the cutting away of sin. It symbolically represented cleansing from the depravity of sin as the result of faith in God, (Romans 4:11). We could think of this as sacrificing the things of the flesh.
In Deuteronomy 10:16, Moses told the Israelites God wanted them to circumcise their hearts and to no longer be stiff necked. They needed to leave the thinking of the fleshly things and to come to appreciate the more spiritual things. This takes yielding, being humble, repentance and sacrifice.
Therefore, men who had no faith in God came to be called “uncircumcised” men. By calling these men they attacked “uncircumcised,” Jonathan was pointing out the fact that these Philistines were ungodly men.
Jonathan wasn’t the only one who faced a huge opposition from ungodly men. If you think about it, every day of life in this modern world can present such problems. Daily we struggle with those who come against us because they are the spiritually uncircumcised followers of Satan.
Many such men do not understand the causes of their rebellious actions because they are deceived. They have rejected God. His protection does not rest upon them. This makes them enemies with nothing to lose.
If you are observing the holiday called Purim, you can see the acts of the ungodly in the example of Haman. It is interesting that God’s timing has us studying this lesson first during the month of Adar, the season for Purim in the year 5785. I can spot many parallels in the story of Esther and the story of Jonathan we are reviewing today.
So, we see through so many examples that all who have the goal of living out God’s ways tend to live in constant opposition. We saw it with Esther in the Purim story. Also, we see it again today in the story of Jonathan. The faith of Jonathan and Esther gives us hope. We see how God gave them victory in spite of unfair odds.
Today we have Yeshua! Talk about facing unfair odds and returning victorious, He is the prime example. Jesus is the true author and finisher of our faith. I love how the words of Jonathan (when he said “Nothing can hinder the Lord from saving, whether by many or by few”) shadow the concept of the salvation we receive through Jesus Christ. With His guidance, we should have even more faith and courage than Jonathan. Here is a good article which points out how this faith grows and strengthens with Yeshua leading us: https://bestirrednotshaken.com/verse-studies/the-author-and-finisher-of-our-faith/,
“Do all that you have in mind,” his armor-bearer said. “Go ahead; I am with you heart and soul.”
Jonathan said, “Come on, then; we will cross over toward them and let them see us. If they say to us, ‘Wait there until we come to you,’ we will stay where we are and not go up to them. But if they say, ‘Come up to us,’ we will climb up, because that will be our sign that the Lord has given them into our hands.”
Don’t you love the words of Jonathan’s armor-bearer when he answers, “I am with you heart and soul.” Jonathan’s armor-bearer gives us a good example of how we should be worshiping God today. We should all be “with Him heart and soul.”
It was Jonathan’s blessing to have such a faithful companion. Our great blessing is to be in constant communication with God through The Holy Spirit. It is truly a comforting thought when going into dangerous battles.
They showed themselves to the Philistines.
Some Philistines made fun of their bravery. The words they used were: “The Hebrews are crawling out of the holes they were hiding in.”
Then they said, “Come up to us and we’ll teach you a lesson.”
If you are witnessing to another as a disciple of Jesus Christ this prayerful approach of Jonathan’s is a good battle plan to remember. Let them see you first. They should receive testimony for God’s Kingdom simply by the way you live, even without words. Don’t preach, just live a sermon.
When they see the sermon living within you, they may ask for you to come closer. That is the time to speak from The Word of God. Answer their questions with scripture references. Be honest and truthful and prayerful as you explain how God saves us if we repent. When the enemy of God rises up and tries to capture and keep them captive, pray. Then continue to follow the plan that God speaks to you through His Holy Spirit.
Use the right timing, but don’t stay hidden. Help others face the opposition. God will give you victory over the enemy.
Maybe it is time for all of us to “crawl out of the holes we’ve been hiding in.” It is time to move in obedience. This article and the articles it references are from our own blog. They speak strongly of the importance of obedience: https://theinseasonlifestyle.com/blessings-of-obedience/.
Jonathan told his armor-bearer to climb up after him. He reassured him that the Lord had given the Philistines into the hands of Israel.
Jonathan had carefully listened to The Lord. He had done what He was commanded to do. Now he put his complete trust in God. He had no doubt whatsoever that God was going to do what he had promised. Now it was time for him to do battle.
Jonathan wasn’t the first to receive great promises from God. We all have them written down in the scriptures. Scriptural instructions are like a love-letter from heaven. Are you living in the confidence of God’s promises today?
We may be facing battles, test and trials; but He has promised that He will never forsake us.
Some of us may be lacking in finances and resources, but God has promised that His people will never be begging for bread.
As we go through these days which many consider to be end-times, God has promised to protect us. He has provided The Holy Spirit to be our armor-bearer. Like the side-kick working at Jonathan’s side, God’s Holy Spirit has promised to be with us “heart and soul.” Yeshua gave His life to make this possible.
We need to be like Jonathan here and keep climbing with our hands and feet. Hands and feet put actions on our words. They are the physical means of carrying out spiritual battles.
Don’t you love Jonathan’s faith, obedience and confidence?
If you truly desire to feel this way in every aspect of your life, it is time to put your faith, obedience and confidence into action by pursuing the destiny and purpose which God has determined for your life. That is exactly what we see Jonathan doing in this story.
Jonathan was destined to overcome the enemy of God. So are we.
The scriptures go on to tell us that Jonathan climbed up using his hands and feet with his armor bearer behind him.
Then we hear the most amazing thing.
The Philistines fell before Jonathan!
He and his armor-bearer (just two men) killed some twenty men in an area of about half an acre. The numbers were 20-2 and the 2 won!
If God is for you, numbers are not important or relevant. His will always prevails in the lives of his obedient people. He brings victory to his faithful servants.
So, like Jonathan, let’s go out fighting the battles with faith, obedience and confidence.
NOTE TO OUR READERS: If you are interested in purchasing our latest publication called EXODUS TO FREEDOM, you can purchase it here. This is an Amazon.com link: https://amzn.to/41mCCkT. It is a great group study for people getting ready for the Passover season.
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