Why would you want to go to the next book launch for Exodus to Freedom?
I can tell you about a million reasons, but here are five of them:
This book leads you through the story of the ancient Exodus. As you journey through the past the book teaches about how to reach a special place of spiritual freedom.
For the most part the world teaches this concept a bit backwards. We have turned it around into more relevant language for today’s readers. The world will tell you “if you are saved, you have nothing to worry about.” This erroneous concept omits much of the Old and New Testament’s teachings.
Of course God is a gracious God offering grace to all who come to Him in repentance and obedience. Yet; have we gone too far with this in our “everything goes” world of today? Yes; if you believe in Jesus Christ as Messiah you are saved and you no longer need to worry about the assurance of your salvation. That part of God’s grace is still very true. It will always be true.
However; true freedom of spirit and worship comes when we learn how to be obedient to God in our new walk of Salvation. There is a place beyond Salvation that God wants to take us to. This book contains many fascets to this type of spiritual freedom. Your eyes will be opened to so many new ways to draw closer to God, even beyond the Salvation experience.

By re-living the details of the ancient physical Exodus, you will be encouraged to begin to move into a new type of modern-day spiritual Exodus.
The author believes that God has a different type of exodus for every generation. This new spiritual exodus is for the current generation of people living through the modern times of today. It isn’t the usual ten-step program where you follow instructions and all is done.
This exodus experience is a daily way of living.
The writer calls her blog The IN SEASON Lifestyle. The basic concepts of The IN SEASON Lifestyle are covered within the pages of this book about Exodus. Each of these concepts come straight from the scriptures. Nothing has been made up by the author herself. The ancients followed the same ways and paths. They received them from God who passed them down through Moses. Gail Landgraf has simply spelled out an enjoyable way to draw closer to God through a modern style of truthful, daily worship honoring the concepts found in the ancient paths of The Exodus. The stories are all contained within the publication called EXDOUS TO FREEDOM.

Remember what Jesus told the woman at the well? We can read part of what He said in John 4: 23-25: But a time is coming and has now come when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and in truth, for the Father is seeking such as these to worship Him. God is Spirit, and His worshipers must worship Him in spirit and truth. The woman said, “I know that Messiah” (called Christ) “is coming. When He comes, He will explain everything to us.”…
And so He has!
Did you catch that part that speaks of “spirt” and “truth” being a part of the worship of God’s faithful?
A lot of people seek and receive the “spirt” part of this statement. However; there doesn’t seem to be enough of seeking the “truth” part of this statement.
Exodus to Freedom takes you on an exodus which discovers truth.
Jesus wants us to worship in “spirit and truth.” Many in the world have been mislead into believing only the “spirit” part of this equation is valid. This new type of spiritual exodus for today’s generations challenges our way of thinking about truth. It takes believers who desire to be obedient back into the right path of truth which Jesus spoke about. This is a path that leads us out of the world and its ways. We learn to walk in God’s Kingdom ways instead. An important lesson along the way is that we don’t have to go to heaven to observe and participate in Kingdom living. We NEED to be observing and manifesting these things right here and now, while we are living out our lives here on this earth.

The new exodus this book speaks of contains 7 layers.
They are:
1) Understanding the life of Moses and how it shadows The Messiah.
2) Leaving the slavery of the world and coming completely out of it is critical to moving on into God’s Kingdom and the life it has to offer.
3) Realizing how the plagues of Egypt defined sin, both then and now, and how these sins affect life in the modern world is important for our worship.
4) Grasping the meaning of The Ten Commandments and their relevance today is crucial for Kingdom living.
5) Understanding the significance of The Wilderness Tabernacle and what that means for modern-day worship and fellowship, both with mankind and with God. is essential to understanding how God wishes for us to worship today.
6) Learning how to live out the true Sabbath points us in the right direction toward true freedom. The Sabbath is central to all true spiritual worship.
7) Understanding and observing God’s appointed annual Holy Days while living in modern times matters. These are God’s days; not the days of ancient Israel, the Jews, the Christians or any other group. The scriptures say these are GOD’S DAYS. They belong to God. Those who follow God belong in fellowship with Him on these appointed times. It matters more than you may realize. The Holy Days of God help us to understand our freedom in God’s Kingdom life.

If any of the above subjects spark your interest, you will want to read these fresh new insights given in EXODUS TO FREEDOM.
The book is written from a layman’s voice. There is nothing preachy or stuffy in our pages. If you are seeking a way to find freedom in a world that doesn’t seem very free anymore – this book contains so many new answers. It opens the door for group communications on very important and often ignored topics facing our times. We have been bold enough to say the things that others avoid. They matter so much as we approach end-times.

Come and take this new exodus journey with us!
EXODUS TO FREEDOM is for sale at Amazon.com/books. Just type in Exodus to Freedom by Gail Landgraf and place your order on-line at Amazon.com. Yes; the book may be priced a little higher than you are used to seeing for a paperback book; but it is two-books-in one. At one time there was an EXODUS TO FREEDOM WORKBOOK; but the author decided it would be better for small groups to have these discussion questions at the end of every chapter of the book. There is only one book to keep up with for reading and group discussions. Everything is together and in order all in one place.
Small groups will love sharing and studying the subjects of this book together as community.
Hence; the book is actually a bargain as you pay one price for two books that have been combined in a very efficient and convenient way for the readers.

This subject is so important to the author’s heart that she will be holding book launches all year long.
Our next launch is scheduled to be at Nichols Nook, 6454 US Highway 11 in Springville, Alabama on June 22, 2024 at 9:30 a.m. Most likely we will be located at a table outside in the back courtyard.
You will love this cozy little bookstore. It is so unique.
Wander through and browse the shelves. Grab a latte and hunt for us in the back courtyard. Most likely we will be soaking up a little sunshine while we sell books and sign books for you. All sales are cash or check only. We do not have a way to process credit and debit cards. If you wish to buy that way – order ahead from Amazon, then bring your book to Nichol’s Nook for Gail to sign. However there will be discounts if you physically buy your book with cash at the book launches. There will also be a few copies of the six other books Gail has written on site for sale.
We will hold a drawing for a free book.
All are welcomed! Please come and bring a friend. Just the experience of Nichol’s Nook will be worth the drive. Amazing things are happening at this special venue located in a historical building in Springville, AL. We were so happy to have discovered it.

If you just happen to be going to The Southern Christian Writer’s Conference, on June 6-8, 2024, we will have a table full of books there too.
This will be Gail’s first writer’s conference! She is so excited to be attending this year. Exhibiting and selling books is merely the icing on the cake. Getting to meet and greet all the publishers and teachers and other authors who share some of the same beliefs and goals will be such a blessing.
If you are a supporter of this blog and Gail’s writing, please pray for God to bless this upcoming adventure at The Southern Christian Writer’s Conference.
As you can see from the photos of this article, our first launch at The North Shelby County Library was great fun.
We had such a wonderful day.
I’m forever grateful for the faces shown in the photos of this article. These are the ones who always show up to support me. They are my people and my amazing home team. Their loyalty and support for our first official launch was so encouraging; I’m thankful and blessed to know each and every one of them.

The things we have shared here today about the book called EXODUS TO FREEDOM are only a small piece of the mountain full of great inspirations from the book.
We will be sharing more over the next year as we promote the book in many small towns across Alabama, and even a few other states.
Stay tuned to many more stories and snippets from our journey with the publication of Exodus to Freedom.
Hoping to see many of you at Nichol’s Nook on June 22nd!
In the meantime;
Love God.
Stay free.
Be blessed!
Keep reading books written by Gail Landgraf!