Here we are already in the Hebraic month of Elul; which is a very special month indeed.
This is the month that leads up to God’s Fall Holy Days of The Feast of Trumpets, The Day of Atonement and The Feast of Tabernacles.
The complete-season includes The Ten Days of Awe and Elul. We will also get to enjoy some rest from our labors in the secular world because the time often includes Labor Day.
Do you have things on your mind that you want to accomplish during this month? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Are there activities you want to remember to do and celebrate as these calendar days arrive and depart?
Why not list them here and remind yourself before the first day of the month even begins?
What do you want to explore with God in keeping this notebook for this season?
As we go into the days of Elul; what does your heart tell you to focus on as you grow closer and closer to God?_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Is God speaking to you in a way that has caused you to listen and to pay attention to more details? Are there places you are seeking answers which involve certain or specific areas of your life? ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Are you familiar with the Hebraic concept of the season of Elul? What would you like to know more? What is your understanding now?
Use this page to complete any relevant notes to yourself:


During the month of Elul part of the preparing involves a time called “Teshuvah.”
Teshuvah is a set time to remember to repent and examine our lives. It is an established time for restoring relationships; both toward God and toward our fellow man.
Have you broken any of the first four commandments? Then it is time to repent and repair your relationship with God.
He is waiting.
Have you put idols in front of your relationship with God? Perhaps you are spending too much time watching television; too much time on the computer; too much time on the phone? Is food more important to you than prayer? Have you made money an idol? Do you spend more time talking to your best friend than in prayer to God? Have you forgotten to worship God in the way He deems holy? Have you violated His Sabbaths or broken His commandments? Have you forgotten to thank Jesus for living and dying for your sins? Have you been ungrateful and forgotten from whom your blessings come?
Teshuvah is the time to confess and turn.
Have you broken the other six commandments?
Then it is time to repent and repair your relationships with your fellow man.
Who have you fallen into a bad relationship with? Who have you quarreled with? Who have you not been speaking to? Who have you avoided? Who are you harboring forgiveness against? Who has hurt feelings because you were insensitive or not very thoughtful? Have you forgotten to be forgiving? Have you forgotten to be compassionate? Have you forgotten how to share with your neighbor? Have you been jealous, angry or mad with someone?
What can be done to repair this?
Do you need to apologize to the person? Do you need to swallow your pride and be kinder to the other person? Do you need to stop being harsh or critical of someone? Have you been untrue or unfaithful to a promise or a vow? Have you been honest?
Teshuvah is the time to confess and turn.
True confession isn’t about apologizing to God and walking away and forgetting your sin. If there is a way to repair the damage you have done; you must put hands and feet and heart to your confession. Make what was wrong as right as you possibly can. The other person may not trust you or accept your apology; but you must make the effort. Confession is a three-part process. It means confessing to God; doing all we can to turn from the sin and repair the damage and then forgiving ourselves for what we have done wrong so that we are free to go out and love again.
As born-again Christians and children of God; we all need to use this time to have those long talks with our Bridegroom from Heaven because the future of eternity lies before us. If you are unclear on anything that you should be confessing; ask Jesus to show you your faults and sins. He will reveal them to you as needed. Listen to what The Holy Spirit puts on your heart and act accordingly. Stay aware and keep short accounts. Be ready for tomorrow. Face each new day with a clean slate and a willing and humble heart.
Why consider the future?
Because the Messiah is going to return! The marriage supper of The Lamb is being planned in Heaven.
We must be ready for the wedding feast!
He has told us to be watching and waiting and preparing. This is the time to be doing those very things.