On Day 36 with Chesed of Yesod we will consider the loving kindness found in bonding.
We have discussed how love, discipline, compassion, endurance and humility interact with one another and improve the lives of both the person who loves and the person who is receiving love.
This type of love isn’t always reciprocal in nature; sometimes it is only one person desiring to serve another in love coupled with all of these attributes. That love is not guaranteed to be returned.
But; the chesed of yesod type of bonding is the ultimate emotional connection of any human activity.
With this type of bonding, both parties participate 100%. It is a covenantal bonding. If this bonding does not happen between both parties; nothing worth while is realized. Both parties must participate whole heartedly. There must be a solid connection with chesed of yesod.
The love here is not just a token of affection shown in a moment; but it is a total commitment toward devotion to the union. When this happens a channel is created between giver and receiver. This type of bonding is eternal, everlasting and forever.
I think of the bond between Jesus and His faithful disciples. He told them he would be going away and He would send a Comforter to them until they could be reunited.
This was God’s Holy Spirit. It would become the symbol of the commitment of Christ’s love for the Church (His Bride.) Jesus (as part of the Godhead) is the Giver and the Church is the Receiver. With the connection provided through The Holy Spirit, we are bonded forever in an eternal bond that will never end.
The connection here unites the earthly faithful to the heavenly. This perfect connection always bears much fruit.
We can note that this type of bonding is the foundation of life.
This particular bonding is needed for life on earth to flourish and grow.
The bonding we speak of here can also happen between husbands and wives, parents and children, brothers and sisters and close friendships. These types of lasting bonds help people to know that they are significant, loved and important to others in their lives. It instills confidence and promotes trust. This connection helps humans to become complete.
A special bonding of this type channels all of the other emotions into one bond that creates a solid foundation for us to stand upon. It incorporates all of our emotions and creates a firm foundation from which we can flourish. This special connection always begins with love and builds.
If this type of bonding is difficult for you ask yourself the following questions:
Do I try to bond without first fostering love?
Does the manner of my bonding express love, kindness and respect?
It is surprising to some to learn that a good example of this chesed of yesod, or loving kindness in bonding, would be the story of the Israelite spies and the prostitute named Rahab.
Rahab risked her life and gave a firm commitment to the cause and mission of the men who lodged at her house and were revealed as spies. Because of her connection with them, she came to be a believer. Not only did she believe, she was so committed that she risked her life to help their mission.
In the end of the story, risking her life saved her and her household from the destruction that happened to the rest of the city. It was because of the loving kindness and bonding that she showed to the two spies. Once she committed to helping them (no matter what) they also committed to saving her. They had a covenant between them. The bonding was mutual, and both parties were firmly committed to keeping the trust between them.
Rahab lived a changed life in Israel as a result of this chesed of yesod connection.
Maybe you are thinking that the connection and bonding was with the spies; but you would be wrong.
Once Rahab knew of The God of Israel she bonded with Him for eternity. This very strong reciprocal bond (as well as the friendship bond she had with the spies) helped her to have hope while the city walls were surrounded for seven days.
She waited in fear, but never doubted that God would save her and her family. Rahab stood strong and sure in her loving kindness and firmly committed in her bonding.
When she was rescued and began a new life in Israel; Rahab found a perfect husband who only saw her future and not her past. They produced a child named Boaz. Boaz became the Father of Obed, who became the Father of Jesse who became the Father of David, who founded the royal bloodline of The Messiah.
Because Rahab kept her promise to God’s will, believed in The God of Israel and let down that scarlet (blood stained) rope; the whole world eventually received the gift of Salvation.
You never know what God has planned or what will come from an eternal bonding such as this; but always it will be fruitful and lead to abundant life for the future.