Yesod of Hod relates to bonding from a foundation of humility. Humility can take many forms. There is no stronger bond than the one that comes from humility.
Through our prayer life we bond with God. The act of bowing our head or bowing down to our knees is an act that shows humility and respect toward God. It is an act of submission to His will over ours. At the same time; it shows that we recognize His royalty and sovereignty over all of the earth. This form of humility deepens our relationship.
One way to pray is not to speak.
The practice of listening is just as important as speaking when we want to achieve effective communication. This is true when we pray; and it is also true when we speak to other people.
What we hear when we listen to God in prayer should be confirmed through the Holy Scriptures. When we study the scriptures for what we are hearing God speak to us during our prayer time; we are carrying out this bond of submission in humility.
This trait puts others above self. It often involves a state of wonder; such as the one we hold for our Creator. We begin to see God’s greatness next to our smallness.
This doesn’t mean that we are worthless; not at all. It means that with the magnificence of God working inside our lives we can aspire to true greatness.
Some questions that show whether or not our humility is true and pure could be:
Does my humility separate me from others or bring us closer?
Does my humility produce results?
Are those results long-term results?
Will this humility increase my service to God’s Kingdom?
Does my humility mirror Christ?
Humility never means losing your self worth; but it does mean increasing your awareness of the value and worth of others.
Way back in kindergarten we called this “sharing.” Some things never begin too early and never end as we go through life. Sharing with others is foundational to living a godly life.
Godly humility means realizing who created us and submitting to His will over our own, then sharing this knowledge with others.
This type of humility and submission will build upon the foundation of our salvation and help to bring us into a place of sanctification.