Hod of Netzach means the humility of endurance. How can we apply this trait to our lifestyle as a Christian?
The positive result of humility is yielding. Yielding is an essential element of endurance. Do we allow ourselves to yield when it is necessary for progress to take place?
Of course, not all yielding is proper, but standing firm just to be standing firm is totally illogical. Think of the strong oaks that lack the ability to bend in high winds. Often they become uprooted when a tornado comes along.
The little reed is very flexible though and no harm comes to it as it bends and yields to the wind’s forces. It survives and thrives on to a latter time.
Are you afraid of yielding in certain situations?
Could this mean a lack of inner strength?
Endurance is fueled by inner strength. Hod gives us that capacity to endure and prevail, like the little reed that bends with the strong winds.
God gives this strength to those of us who are humble enough to ask for it. This type of humility in the proper situation will increase our strength in the long run and help us to be better at overcoming the world.
Our endurance is intensified with the aspect of Hod and its purposeful humility.
When we combine our human desire for humility with God’s divine will; we gain strength and we are much more able to endure whatever is required of us.
We develop spiritually enough to see and understand the God element of this type of strength.
It is important for us to ask ourselves if we are leaning on God’s strength to accomplish our mission or our own?
Do we need to add more humility to our days in order to come to the right place in our spirituality?
This requires good timing in order to achieve good results. We must recognize when to yield and when not to yield. Fear is never a good reason to yield. We must look carefully at what we are afraid of yielding to and ask ourselves why that is so. This will help us to determine whether our yielding is dangerous and destructive or important, progressive and constructive. God will either give us the strength and humility to go whichever way best suits His will for our lives if we remember to ask and precede according to His faithful instructions.
The Apostle Paul was such an excellent example of one who learned Godly humility and endured until the end because of it.
He was a very proud man before God struck him blind and revealed Himself to Paul.
Paul had to come to the state of total humility in his blindness in order to re-learn how to live properly before God. He had to temporarily give up his physical eyesight in order to learn how to have spiritual eyes that could see exactly who God was and what God was truly all about.
Do we not all have our Damascus Road experience? This is where our humility meets up with our endurance and brings us into God’s destiny for our mission in life.
If we are not very careful to examine our humility in endurance we can stand for all of the wrong things.
We must take the example of Paul and learn how to lay ourselves down before God and give up our wrong man-made ideas that we have been passionate about and turn them around to following God’s ways.
Without the proper measures of humility and endurance we can’t run this race with perseverance; but with God’s help anything is possible.