Today in our counting we will examine the endurance aspect of endurance.
Are you still with us as we count down the 50 days from Passover to Pentecost using the omer counting aspects that the Jewish people have been so faithful to preserve; but in a Christian way?
These things that we are meditating upon are all of the emotions and traits that, if developed properly, help us to live in the abundant ways that God intended for us to live. I love making these part of our “IN SEASON Lifestyle.”
I hope every day of this counting has enriched your spiritual growth in some form or fashion. They definitely enrich my own personal growth each year. Layer of learning seems to build upon layer and new levels of truths come forth when least expected. Understanding life is part of living life well. Understanding these aspects increases that ability. This is our growing season! The counts help us to develop and grow in God’s will for our days on the earth.
So today we will meditate on how intense our endurance has become in our walk with God. Netzach means “endurance.” Any good endurance requires the use of willpower and determination.
Is there something hard that you have been enduring which requires great willpower?
One aspect of this for me personally is the constant battle of losing weight. My doctor has been guiding me through the whole process. I’ve been making great strides toward success, but the closer and closer I get toward the goal the more willpower I need to achieve it.
One little slip-up here and there and I’ve totally wasted a lot of endurance. I’ve reached a place in which I must be very determined to increase the intensity of my endurance in order to take this improvement to a higher level of success.
I’m constantly having to increase my willpower to move forward in this physical struggle.
Willpower is as important in our spiritual battles as our physical battles. Good willpower requires consistency and reliability. I can hear my doctor saying; “Now; can I rely on you to lose at least 30 more pounds before your next visit?”
She is relying on me to carry out her instructions. My health (blood pressure rates and cholesterol counts) depend on me being reliable to do as I have promised her. At my age this is literally a life or death matter.
God is relying on us to carry out His instructions. He wrote them down in a book for us because they are so important for us to achieve eternal life.
God counts on us to remain spiritually healthy in the same way that our doctor hopes for us to remain physically healthy.
We all have our good days and bad days. Sometimes, because we are human, we fail to meet the heavenly goals required for us to live our lives from a Christian mindset 24/7. But repentance and our endurance helps us to get back up again, dust ourselves off from our falls and go out there and start over.
Jesus is an awesome coach. His endurance gives us a perfect example. If we ask for His help in strengthening our willpower; He will continue to pour God’s Holy Spirit out on us. We will be strengthened to stay the course.
Our endurance will become more enduring!
The fact that we do not pursue endurance as much as needed in a situation is often because of our lack of a good solid commitment to the cause.
We need to ask ourselves how committed we are to enduring the goals we have found helpful in meeting our God-given purpose and destiny.
Are we headed in the right direction for patient endurance over the long-haul?
What can we do to increase the intensity of this endurance for the long-term; and not just the short-term future?
Are we looking at life from the perspective of eternal goals? That aspect of being a Christian and living out a Christian lifestyle surely takes great endurance.
If we can’t think in terms of eternity; we need to ask ourselves; why? Are we afraid of the changes that this will create in our daily living now?
Think of the last time that you have had a tough time with your own endurance. Was it a healthy thing that you were trying to endure or did this endurance cause you unnecessary stress and anxiety?
We need to focus on healthy goals when it comes to endurance.
If you are enduring more pain than pleasure in a situation you need to ask yourself how healthy those goals are.
Do those painful situations you are enduring make for a better future or is it all an act of futility that you need to avoid in the future?
Once again; making such changes requires willpower and determination.
Are we developing new habits in our lives that help us to endure the healthy goals for our future? If not; why?
We all have the capacity, with the help of God, to endure much more than we can imagine. Let’s ask God to help us set the right goals, then to be able to endure them with strength for our eternal future.