The elements of tiferet are beauty, compassion, radiance and harmony. Sometimes these elements combine into one quality; but sometimes they contradict each other.
Opposing forces working within us create constant tension in our lives. Often this tension forces us to stretch beyond our limits and this helps us to grow in grace.
To pursue the completeness of tiferet, we must embrace the tension between these differing parts within ourselves.
For instance; some of us have experienced a type of tension between our patriotism and the realities of recent days. We remember those things that we loved and cherished, and we hope that we can return to such a state.
In the meantime; as we wait in hope and pray for miracles; we live in a world that we barely recognize. We must learn how to adjust to this constant tension of the opposites. As this happens though we must keep our balance and compassion toward doing good. Wise and godly judgement must still be exercised.
For some reason unknown to us; we are going through difficult times; but to reach complete tiferet; we must embrace the balance that this tension brings to us. The wise will learn to walk with strength through it. This is a time in which we must overcome and not give in to the tensions and lose our way. We must not live in lack or stop living all together.
Most of all; we must embrace these types of tension without fear. It is important to resist the impulse to let them pull us totally into one direction or the other.
Handing over our fears to God helps us to feel a level of completeness that we had not known before. If we let Him continue to guide us forward our goal for complete balance between the tensions will come forth.
Israel had been given the promises of God through Abraham. They lived joyfully in the land for many years before they had to submit to the slavery of Pharaoh. The hope and compassion for God’s ways gave them the courage to walk out of this bondage. They trusted in God’s timing.
The tensions of Tiferet should never break us. They should only help us to be better people as we make more and more transformations. The tensions of contrast help us continue to move forward.
In all of the contrasts of the world, and all of the chaos and confusion; we can know that our God desires for us to have peace and order. He will not forsake us at any time.
Let’s harbor that hope and continue to battle the tensions that come our way. With enough love and compassion we can make the way through. By using our compassion for others we can address our concerns gently and humbly. This process allows our God to receive the glory for our successes.
It was this same Great God who took the hand of sinful men and formed the spiritual bond of salvation.
How humanity must contrast with God!
Yet that tension has brought us closer to Him.
All adversity is a chance to make our contrasts come together for the good. We must allow time to let God pull all elements into balance in order to carry out His will.
The compassion and love in all of both sides will help our journey to continue. It is so important to have faith and keep moving forward in love. We must do this until we reach the complete state of being One Body within God’s Kingdom.