In the attribute of day 12 with Hod of Gevurah we are reminded of the important role that humility plays in our lives.
The hod is a tool that builders use to help them carry loads of sand, bricks, shingles, coal, mud or concrete upon their shoulders. It is a very useful tool if one knows how to use it properly. It can be very dangerous and injuries can be caused if a person uses it who does not know how to do so. One must be humble enough to submit to the weight of the hod in order for it to work at all.
Hod is symbolically a way of thinking and acting that can be very useful. It can make one stronger if used properly. Like the tool the builders use; it will not work without a proper amount of instruction and humility.
The proud will pick up a load of sand in the hod and quickly spill it all before arrival because they did not take the time to study and listen to instructions when they were taught how to use the tool properly.
Afterward; no work can continue because the elements used for building are usually all wasted and destroyed. Without the mud or concrete that the hod helps to carry to the site; even the foundation of the building is not possible.
If the hod is helpful in carrying bricks to the site; the worker must still understand the principle of placing one brick at a time carefully into a wall. Should the hod be used for carrying shingles; the worker must understand the importance of each shingle that is carefully placed among the others before securing onto the roof.
Proper judgement could be explained in the same way. It is wasted when carried by a person who does not know how to apply it properly. More harm than good can be achieved in that process.
A judge cannot judge properly without applying the correct elements of humility. He must realize his own limitations and conform his judgements to truth and truth alone.
The only One who understands complete truth is The Great God of The Universe. He is the source of how we come to find real truth.
When we humans become arrogant and consider ourselves knowledgeable enough to look down on others in judgement, we deceive ourselves. How sad we become when we do not know that we do not know.
Using the tool called hod is a balancing act. If you place the container holding the mud, dirt, etc. too close or too far away from your shoulder; your judgement will be off and you will spill it all. The tool must be positioned in exactly the right place to work correctly.
On the other side of this coin when considering human judgements; it is never good to remain silent and neutral in the face of wickedness. That is false humility and it will always come back to haunt you.
Good is always good and evil is always evil. Truth remains truth no matter who proclaims it.
You can sugar-coat evil and fool some of the people some of the time; but it will eventually began to smell like evil and look like evil. It is only a matter of time.
Remaining silent in false humility in order to appear humble is never a good idea. That is a very selfish stance, and it is more about you wanting the approval of others than using your judgement.
If false humility is not checked in time, the evil will only continue until a braver person comes along to conquer it and stops it from spreading. In this case; false humility becomes part of the disease instead of part of the cure.
Thus; there must be truth and balance in our humility. It must include respect and awe for the person or experience you stand humble for.
Is there an element of respect in your decision to pursue an act of judgement in humility?
If not; could you be hiding the truth of a situation in the name of false humility?
We often see this play out in people who have a passion for social justice. They become caught up with the cause; and forget to look for the truth of justice. These defeat their own purpose.
Some want to take a stand just to show the world they are part of a strong and passionate group; and that has nothing to do with true social justice. It only fulfills the social part of the equation and leaves the justice part wanting.
Passion does not define justice. Many an evil person has been passionate about their evil works.
True humility helps us to look for the good and the truth in all situations and pursue those things.
With this thought in mind, we can see that there are also those who stay totally loyal to a cause because the cause carries truth and that truth demands true justice. That is when true humility comes forth and helps one to take a stance from a healthy perspective.
We must constantly be checking our own motivations for the humility of discipline.
Looking down on others in order to promote your own self is arrogance; not humility.
All criticism must be given as a way to help; not to harm.
This aspect of counting is especially important in raising children. Honesty mixed with true humility must be a part of the person handing out the rules before the proper discipline which all children need to help them grow in grace and goodness is applied.
This type of discipline always results in love and respect. Any other type of discipline would only bring rebellion and harm.
There are no social levels or cast systems for applying proper discipline with humility to the areas of our daily living.
We humans should treat our dogs with the same dignity that we would treat another human. A servant should be treated with the same weight you would give to a king or a queen. In judgement with humility no brother would have more rights than a stranger.
All men are the same in the eyes of God.