I have a great idea; let’s go plant a tree! This is a time for celebrating the trees.
Tomorrow, February 13. 2025, would be a great time to do so.
Because it is Tu B’ Shvat, The New Year of The Trees.
So, what is this day all about? Is this just another obscure observance of the Jewish calendar? Unless you are Jewish, you have probably never participated in the celebration of this day. Yet, the very same concepts making the day special for the Jewish faith can also apply to Christians.
It is not officially a holy day or even a secular holiday; it is The New Year of The Trees.
On the third day of Creation God gave us a calendar (Genesis 3:1.) This wasn’t a calendar for the Jewish people. At that time there were no Jews. Actually, there were no people at all. They had not yet been created.
Time was set into motion by God before we were created. He gave us a perfect calendar made especially for all who desire to be in rhythm with God. This calendar is cyclical in nature.
Four times of this cyclical calendar year celebrates of the creation of new things. To understand how this makes sense we must remember how God created the world. Everything didn’t happen in one day. Some things will always be older than other things, depending upon which day they were first created.
The month of Nisan begins with the new year for kings and festivals.
Next, the month of Elul begins the new year for tithes.
The month of Tishri begins the new year for the calendar. This month emphasizes and celebrates the time of the creation of mankind.
Last but not least, the month of Shevat brings Tu B’Shvat, the new year for the trees.
For a deeper understanding, I highly recommend reading this article: https://firmisrael.org/learn/what-are-the-jewish-new-years/ which puts difficult subjects into plain language.
The whole of creation belongs to God. All people were created to become children of God. How do I know this? Because of Romans 8:12-17.
Let’s ponder that passage here:
“So then, brothers, we are debtors, not to the flesh, to live according to the flesh. For if you live according to the flesh you will die, but if by the Spirit you put to death the deeds of the body, you will live. For all who are led by the Spirit of God are sons of God. You did not receive the spirit of slavery to fall back into fear, but you have received the Spirit of adoption as sons, by whom we cry, “Abba! Father!” The Spirit himself bears witness with our spirit that we are children of God.”
Wouldn’t it make sense that the Sons of God follow the calendar created by their Father?
In this gift of God’s calendar we see how all things have their own times to begin, grow, and change.
On this Gregorian year of February 13, 2025, we come to Shevat 13 of 5785 on God’s calendar.
As we compare the two calendars we notice this date always falls near Valentine’s Day on the secular calendar. Why not change this up a bit? You could decide to go out with your lover and plant a tree. That would be doing something good for the world which causes a new life to flourish. Also, you would be honoring the rhythms of God’s calendar.
The date of the new year of the trees is also close to the date called “President’s Day.” It is a bit coincidental to notice that great trees and great leaders of men have much in common. Deuteronomy 20:19 compares men to trees of the field.
It is important to look after the well-being of our trees. Even science agrees that February is the month in which the trees tend to emerge from their winter naps. This is when they begin the process that leads to bearing fruit.
We know that people (like trees) have the possibility of bearing spiritual fruit. This is pleasing to God. As we go out into the world each day, we are admonished to bear fruit for God’s Kingdom. Just like the trees of the earth, humans are meant to grow in healthy life-giving ways.
The nation of Israel uses this day to support the importance of agriculture in a society. This is achieved by supporting the eco-system. The aim is to raise money for research, studies and science to support the growing of trees and crops. These are things we desperately need in order to replenish the earth. They all support a good, healthy life experience. Much of this fund raising for the special remembrance comes from individuals buying and planting trees throughout the land.
Many like to give to national parks on this day. Some will donate a tree as a public landmark in honor of someone they love. These are the ways they chose to celebrate Tu B’ Shvat.
So, celebrating Tu B’ Shvat is all about the biblical laws that govern the care of our trees.
Can you imagine a world without trees?
Of course, we know and acknowledge that trees are a gift from our Creator. With that said we also know and acknowledge that trees are NEVER to be worshipped. Trees ARE to be appreciated for the fact that they were specifically designed by God who gave them to us.
Leviticus 19:23 explains how we should plant trees. “When you enter the land and plant any kind of fruit tree, regard its fruit as forbidden. For three years you are to consider it forbidden; it must not be eaten.“
Here The One who designed the trees is informing the ones He created to look after the trees.
But isn’t this just for people living in Israel? No. Everyone should be concerned about the care of their trees.
The whole story of Israel is about the way God patiently teaches mankind how to achieve an abundant life. He often uses trees in these lessons
Though trees are good for us, the fruit of the trees is forbidden by God for three years.
It is a proven science, but God gave these rules before we even knew there was the science.
Humans hardly ever trust God and take Him at His word. We have that built-in human reaction which comes with the same question every time. “Why?” Yet; God doesn’t always explain why He commands things. Have you ever noticed that?
Did your earthly father give you rules he did not take the time to explain? What happened when you disobeyed? You get the point.
God knows how His laws work for us. We humans do not always understand, but eventually we will grasp the truth one way or another. For some of us the understanding comes through blind obedience. Yet for many, the truth comes to us through trial and error.
Fruit of younger trees is sometimes harmful to the body of a human. The science behind this law is that the trees need to mature. The moisture of the tree is affected by the absorption of the land. Before three years pass, there is not enough time for the tree to grow. It needs time to be warmed by the energy of the sun and the air. Therefore, the whole fruit of the first three years of a tree will be earthy and watery. Thus, the moisture will overpower the fruit. This fact will not always be good for the one who eats the fruit. It would contain rot from the very beginning.
The tree must have time to mature and balance with nature before it produces good fruit.
Many trees do not produce fruit at all until they reach their fourth year. By this natural process built into nature we are forced to wait the required three years. This waiting is for our own good.
God knows we are impatient. Men make mistakes. They don’t always understand or obey. God corrects this by setting certain patterns of nature into his calendar.
The new year of the trees helps us to understand how to trust God through every aspect of human life.
Mankind was sinful, God closed and guarded the Tree of Life until we could become ready to partake of it. This was for our own good.
Only God knows exactly what we need. He understands when we need it. His calendar tells this story over and over again. God’s word never changes. It is very consistent. God patiently teaches us through the harvesting of our trees about the seasons of life.
To learn this, simply plant a fruit tree. After the first three years pass, begin to pick the fruit of your tree. Take the profits from the fourth year of the crops from your fruit trees and give them back to God.
God will bless your offering. Your tree will become even more fruitful in the years to come.
This same principle applies to anything in life. If you don’t believe it, test it and see for yourself. This isn’t “name it and claim it” religion I speak of here. The practice is a principle God set into motion when He created the calendar for mankind. God built the laws of nature to work together with the hearts of men from the beginning of time.
There is a commandment of first-fruits.
This practice evolves around the times of the harvests of the earth. Sacrifices are no longer needed, but offerings are still required, accepted and expected by God. They are expected three times a year. These three times are during the seasons of spring (Passover), summer (Pentecost) and fall (Tabernacles.)
At first these laws seem a bit confusing and unclear. We do not typically see them operating in our current non-agricultural cultures. In the present times, we seem to have fewer and fewer farmers. This leaves us not having a true connection to the land, which operates effectively within God’s laws.
However, many people are becoming more aware that we need to shift back to farming. I speak specifically of farming on an individual basis. Now it seems that everything about growing crops happens on a huge, big-business/world-wide basis. There is no accounting for regions, differences in soils, or climates. Thus, families miss the lessons for everyday life when they cease to grow their own food. The common people lack the knowledge of how things actually go to the grocery stores.
Thankfully, new generations are waking up. Some of these people are actually growing their own crops, making their own breads, and preparing their own foods. This trend is more important than ever.
Many who are learning the importance of growing and harvesting their own crops are still missing one important element. They are missing the significance of the Torah. They have no knowledge of the fact that one-sixth of the Mishnah deals with the matters of agricultural growth.
These vitally important pieces of the puzzle seem to be overlooked.
Shouldn’t we consider consulting The Creator about using the earth He designed for the production and growing of crops?
If we followed that plan, the first lesson in agricultural growth would be to center life around God’s original calendar. It follows the rhythms of the universe which God formed from the beginning of time for our benefit.
The Mishnah has much to say about “seeds” and “the corners of the fields.” There are volumes of wonderful information about caring and tending agricultural crops.
We seem to have a new generation that is deeply concerned about feeding the poor and caring for the hungry. However, they are a generation who has never been taught the scriptures. This generation is unaware of the scriptures which enabled Ruth to meet Boaz. They would not understand the concepts of the agricultural cultures from which we eventually found Messiah.
Understanding the concept of first-fruits offerings enables us to understand God’s ways of growth, harvesting, distribution and consumption. This law continues further during the fourth year by stating that the fruit should be offered to God. This is the definition of a first-fruit offering.
This isn’t necessarily referring to the physical fruit itself. It refers to the profit from the harvesting of such fruit. Either that fruit, or the profits from that fruit, should be used in the caring for others.
Then comes the fifth year. That is the year when you may partake of the fruit for yourself. You are free to enjoy all of the abundance God has faithfully provided for you.
During this whole growing process, you have kept every commandment of God. That is to love God and to love your neighbor as yourself. Now you are completely free to enjoy and delight in the abundance of the crops God has given to you. The whole pattern of progression is God-others-you.
The New Year of the Trees teaches us the correct way to live in plenty and abundance.
By following God’s rules for planting, sewing and harvesting, our fifth year of growing becomes plentiful and full.
This is because we have learned how the first three years are needed to let the trees mature. We need to offer our best to God. These first three years are not the best of the best. After the third year comes the time for offerings to be given to God. When we give of our best to Him, He multiplies what we give. This shows up when He helps us with the growing of our next crops.
The crop of the fourth year is a crop we are happy to share with others. This type of sharing is like planting another seed. God sees our obedience. He blesses us for our generosity to our brothers. Our brothers thrive and so do we. Everyone is thankful to be living with those who truly care about each other. Love as well as crops multiply. Giving to others is the same as giving to God.
It was Jesus who said, “if you have done it for one of the least of these my brethren, you have done it unto me.” In this fifth year of the first-fruits, people who were once separate are now gathered together under God’s perfect law. We can see through the fifth year’s giving how all we have given to others is constantly multiplied back to us from God.
From this point onward our trees will be more productive. We will reap many blessings in the days to come. It is good to give thanks to God and enjoy the fruit of our labor. There are blessings from God as we number our days with the rhythms of God’s calendar.
It is good to celebrate all of this through the New Year of The Trees.
Through observing The New Year of the Trees we also see patterns of the spiritual harvests of life.
Any soul who hasn’t reached maturity in God’s teachings is not yet ready to participate in the harvest. Harvesting takes time. Immature humans must be nourished and cared for, just like trees.
With the nutrients of the Word, the refreshing Water of God’s Holy Spirit, and the love from others of God’s Kingdom, the immature fruit begins to grow. The life-giving Light from Heaven (The Messiah) must shine upon new fruit for many days until it matures.
The harvesting of precious souls and spirits often involves a time of waiting and growing.
Spiritual fruit does not reach full potential for Kingdom service until someone has spent much time following God in prayer and learning Torah. They must spend time observing and meditating upon God’s ways for at least three years. Until that time is complete, there is a trimming of branches going on. We all need a little cultivating. Jesus must tend to the soil around the roots of the tree. We need a little fertilizing from God’s Holy Spirit. All of this nurturing eventually brings about the proper growth to maturity and health.
This is true of fruit trees and people.
Does it surprise you to learn that people are a lot like trees?
Through His Word, God is constantly pointing out that mankind is made from the earth. We began as nothing but dust. The earth and all things in it belong to God. God is always in control of the earth in which we live, breath, and have our being. It constantly cries out to Him. Only God can produce fruit from the earth. Without His help, we can do nothing.
It takes God to make a tree, grow a tree, and produce good fruit.
God is a patient gardener. He is never in a hurry. Our Father allows the proper processes to take place in order to produce the best crops.
Producing good fruit from trees takes a lot of work and patience. So does the growing of good human beings.
Only God living inside a person who is following Jesus Christ can bring about maturity fit for God’s Kingdom.
The very act of nurturing a tree and allowing its first three years of fruit to return to the earth is a form of admitting that we are only God’s caretakers. We must know and understand we are not the creators of our own environment. It is our duty and honor to work along side of God to replenish and restore the universe. This must be done His way; not ours.
So we must keep following the process of allowing God to produce the right fruit and not depending on our own abilities.
This process takes time. It takes faith and patiently waiting on God.
As caretakers of God’s earth, we gratefully acknowledge the change of the season on this interesting day of Tu B’ Shvat.
This time comes to us during the coldest part of the winter. It shows up while we are blind to growth and unaware of the processes which are going deep into the soil at the root of the trees. We are not yet seeing the little seeds that push their way up through the earth. They are still silently maturing under the daily light of the sun.
The winter cold during Tu B’ Shvat is a vivid reminder that underneath the cold winter snow of the silent grounds there are roots of God at work in the present season.
These deeply buried roots will bring new life one day. After being hidden and protected for a while, the tree and its fruit will eventually come forth in the spring when the time is right. If you wish to review more articles on this subject from our blog, just click here: https://theinseasonlifestyle.com/the-hebraic-month-of-shevat/.
So plant a tree this week.
Care for it and watch it grow.
In due time, we will have a harvest of abundance if we follow God’s ways and keep His seasons and times.