Please understand what I mean when I say “Adar for writers.”
Do you think it is odd that I would write about the month of Adar in relation to writers?
I know, I’m like a broken record playing over-and-over. If you know me, and the fact that I am a writer, you know that writing makes my world go round. So, maybe at first glance you might think I’m off on one of my usual tangents to turn everything back to my favorite subject of writing.
Not so this time!
I’m seriously thinking about the month of Adar and the story of Esther. I sat down to look at the aspects of how we can gain the strength of Esther, because I realize that Adar means “strength.” Of course, that would be part of the story of this month on God’s calendar; right?
Yes, but the words that jumped out at me as I was listening to a talk from one of my favorite ministers was; “The King will give you His pen.” He was relating to the fact that focusing on Purim helps encourage us to get prepared for Passover (just a month away now.) Esther’s story included a whole year of preparations. She had to be prepared to go to meet the king. This led to an edict to save her people. The very important edict was penned directly from the hand of Esther under the signet of The King.
Is that beautiful or what?
I hope those words inspire all the writers out there trying to make a difference.
When Mordecai spoke to Esther after he heard of the terrible evil plot of Haman, he told Esther that she needed to get prepared to meet the King. It was of utmost importance that the King realize that Esther needed to be his Queen. He had to see her as a wise woman who had the wisdom to help him rule his kingdom. Esther’s people were depending on her.
She did not want to let them down! Carefully and prayerfully, Esther planned her next steps.
All of the other women were worried about outward appearances. They were concerned with elevating themselves at all cost, even to the point of not being true to their own identities. Esther realized she needed to be wise. She had learned long ago that all wisdom came through knowing and implementing God’s ways through studying and following Torah. She opened the Torah to Proverbs 15:24. This is what she read: The path of life leads upward for the prudent to keep them from going down to the realm of the dead.
Esther had to be moving upward. She needed to be reaching toward heavenly things, if she wanted to please the King. Esther was told to pick out her jewels. The other girls were grabbing all the gaudy babbles of the popular society. Not Esther, she picked a lovely necklace which was very simple in design. When you held it up to the light, it revealed the Star of David.
This was the way Esther would begin to reveal her true self to the King. He would see her integrity and know that she stood for the real things in life, not the superficial. Esther’s wisdom in staying with her true identity would bring her into the place and position in the Kingdom from which she could ransom her nation from the hateful Haman and his plot to kill every Jew in the land.
Because Esther stayed true to her identity; she saved a nation.
This truth matters if you are aspiring to become a great writer. Writing must be authentic. It must ring full of the passion of your heart. That passion should show your true identity as God’s child. He has given each of us a purpose.
Write about your purpose and live into it.
Be honest and truthful in your sharing. Don’t hide behind the gaudy jewelry of the world around you.
Stand out and be different. Be your unique self.
When the moment comes for the writing that matters, the King will give you his pen.
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