There is nothing like a traditional classic all American Thanksgiving! We’ve shown you several of our ideas for themes, but this is our favorite and the one we keep returning to in the end.
Of course, it is all about family, the more the merrier. We are so thankful for those that we love. Some of our loved ones live far away and can’t always be with us, but we are so happy when they can!
Thankfulness is having a full house on Thanksgiving Day!

There is something about gratitude that lifts our hearts and gives them the proper focus.
It is wonderful to have a season where we consciously put our troubles and sorrows aside in order to remember our blessings and offer up thanks to the God who gave them to us.
For that purpose, we love a classical traditional Thanksgiving.

My home is decorated for many seasonal activities throughout each year; but this is especially true for the season of Thanksgiving. There are many years in which we like to celebrate with a classical traditional Thanksgiving.
Maybe it all starts with the fact that I love Fall.
Fall is my favorite time of the year!
Our home usually reflects our favorite seasons and times.
One thing I am grateful for is the beauty of the season. I love how we can join into our celebrations by the way we share our homes with family, neighbors and guests over the holidays.
All of our surroundings become so colorful and festive.
We can’t help but thank our Creator for making the world the way He has. Thanksgiving is a huge opportunity for us to join in with the spirit of all His creativity.
That first full breath of crisp fall air always helps my heart to get ready for the great joy of The Feast of Tabernacles which I know will then be extended later into our family’s celebration of a classical traditional Thanksgiving.
Will your family come together for a fall vacation this year? I hope so!
It really doesn’t have to be expensive or extravagant; it is just about stopping and putting aside the time to be together and to be thankful.
Do you share in any religious activities that are very active in the fall of the year? It is as if God is creating balance as the leaves die on the trees. He is putting more life into our celebrations.
We enjoy the Fall Holy days at our house each season starting with Rosh Hashanah (Feast of Trumpets, then Yom Kippur (Day of Atonement) followed by Sukkot (The Feast of Tabernacles.)
All of those days are carefully observed in our home.
They help to make every Fall a very interesting and blessed season. These days do so much for helping to prepare our hearts for giving thanks for our many blessings. Often that is done through a classical traditional Thanksgiving celebration.
The apples and the shofar come out first every fall season. Rosh Hashanah begins the fall festiveness; and then later on we warm up for Thanksgiving feasting by cooking special fall meals together during The Feast of Tabernacles.
It is a good thing that we fast for The Day of Atonement; because by then we really have had TOO MUCH of all of the wonderful fall foods.
Then in that little bit of a break between The Feast of Tabernacles and Thanksgiving we love to enjoy some very tasty fall soups and salads. We have come to think of Thanksgiving as a continuation of the joy from The Feast of Tabernacles.
Are there feasts and festivals that are traditional to your family during this beautiful season?
Whatever you are doing this year, there are so many easy ways to warm up all of your events by embellishing them with a little bit of classic fall décor.
As a rule of thumb; It is always a good idea to keep your fall decorating simple and clean, and as natural and back to nature as possible.

This is HARVEST time. It is good to reflect on that aspect of the season and remember why we are celebrating the harvest. We are grateful to The One Who brings us the harvest.
Harvest times should reflect the many blessings of our bounty. Because of this, too much clutter seems to work against the focus of being thankful. Extreme clutter often turns the originally good thoughts commercial. A better rule is to keep things simple and elegant.
Bright splashes of color placed here and there with things that represent the personality of the season are all you really need. These qualities make a warm, inviting and thankful atmosphere.

As you can see we love sharing the great outdoors over the Thanksgiving holidays. There is so much to do outside. Do you need some new ideas for Thanksgiving activities to share as the weekend continues? I loved this link:
So will we have a theme for this year? I’m seriously thinking about sunflowers. We will see where that leads us.
If you want some good recipes for a classical/traditional theme, check out this post:
Hope your own themed/and/or classical/traditional Thanksgiving is amazing and full of great blessings.
Above all, God blesses us in every season and we are so very grateful.