If you love fiction; you are going to love this one!
Of course, I’ve never been disappointed in a Rachel Hauck novel. I only buy them when I know I have a weekend to read without being disturbed. This is because once I pick up the book and start to read, I have trouble putting it down without finishing.
My weekend finally arrived.
It was wonderful.
The minute I left work that day I became absorbed in the book titled “Meet Me At The Starlight.”
I picked up my book about 6 p.m. that evening and did not come up for air until I had read the whole thing. Well, I did grab a little food at one point, but her books are just that good. You always wonder what will happen next with these amazing characters that you can’t help but love and adore.
For some reason I wanted to believe that this new book would be much like the last one I read. How silly of me, that is never the case. I was definitely wrong. Both books had intricate and windy plots; but nothing was the same at all. Though she loves writing in sequence; no book written by Rachel Hauck is ever predictable or the same.
I LOVED Meet Me at the Starlight. I’m probably going to read it again. I NEVER read a book twice, so that says a lot.
Of course, this book had its own unique way of standing out from the others. This story now shines brightly among all the other stars of the other manuscripts from Rachel Hauck which I proudly display on my bookshelves in my office.
She is an amazing storyteller. I am not a lover of fiction. Most of my favorite books are non-fiction; but I could devour one of these books at least once a month. I also appreciate the fact that it is clean fiction. This author realizes the fact that good fiction can stand on its own without mixing it with too much needless and shady information. As a Christian and a writer myself; I greatly appreciate this fact.
I was happy to see Rachel’s talented use of non-linear time structures reappearing inside this book. She has done that before in other novels, but each is a bit different in its own way. It takes a special amount of literary genius to pull that type of story off, but Rachel Hauck always manages to do it so well.
The research for this novel must have taken forever. I do love how she manages to tie some real-life historical facts into her fictional novels.
The characters were loveable and unique, as they always are in Rachel Hauck novels. My favorite character in this book was Tuesday Knight. Just her name was fascinating. She is my new heroine. How I would love to step back in time and visit The Starlight with her. You can do this, if only in imagination if you decide to read the book.
The Starlight Skating Rink itself has so much personality. Having worked in the architectural field in the past, I can appreciate how this building came to life. It was truly the glue that held Sky Blue Beach together. This whole town has skated for years under the artistic portrait of Immanuel. We learn his history in the story. The way she presented the essence and presence of Immanuel was genius. I loved how his portrait finally came to life and we could see who he truly was in the end.
My favorite pages were 106, 304 and 305. All of you Rachel Hauck followers will have to read the whole book though. No cheating by turning to these pages first; but please notice them when you hit them. I’ll have to say that even the fish on the beach gave confirmation to all of my suspicions about certain aspects of the story, even before their truths were totally clear.
If you read it you will heartedly agree with me that “Meet Me At The Starlight” is yet another work of art spun by the words from Rachel Hauck’s great imagination. How does she spit out these novels over and over again?
I surely hope she is very busy plotting the next one right now.